Saturday 8 June 2013

Astroboogie Stars June 9th 2013

In the grip of a genius idea, you are right to push your luck. Jupiter, planet of faith, gives you a vision that outstrips your usual view of the world. Act on the plan and don't look back. Pay attention to emotions in your career quest, and reading between the lines gives you the edge. Bosses see there is more to you than a smart all-rounder with the gift of the gab. Still, count to ten before you speak. You are in full competition mode and somebody quickly finds out what you really think. Lazy Sunday’s Gemini Moon gives you a laid-back time and your proposal is put through.

Coming out of your shell is a tough test for any Crab. You are caught in the crossfire and staying put is not an option. But a creative gift you take for granted gives you long-term luck. You can be charming and frivolous, realistic and visionary all at once. Monday’s home-territory Cancer Moon is the parsley garnish on a pivotal week.

A secret liaison lets you get things straightened out. You show a face to somebody quite unlike your public image and they appreciate what they see. Target Wednesday’s Leo Moon for a delicate negotiation and get more than you bargained for. An avant-garde plan goes smoothly and you overcome resistance from the white-collar crowd.

Find a cause to serve without sacrificing too much. Ego-oriented attitude is only half the story, and something you believe in helps you feel good. Keep it real. Your decisions are influenced by fantasy notions quite unlike your usual prudent self. Sense reigns on Saturday 15th as the fortunate Virgo Moon puts both your feet on the ground.

A touch of the artistic turns your career prospects around. Instead of kow-towing to the corporate monkeys, step out and flaunt your native talent. Your ruler Venus cements your reputation as you gauge the group mood in a high-pressure situation. A long-distance trip broadens your world and a guru figure has knowledge to share.

Friends complain that you are all focused on the job. Overbearing deadlines keep the pressure on and tunnel vision allows no respite. Still, as charismatic Venus and Neptune align, you find the best of all possible worlds. Schedule some quality time on Friday and the contrast to work, work, work, lifts your performance and popularity.

A pushy partner makes their feelings plain and the chemistry crackles. Mars, planet of action, enjoys an argument and you clear the air where before you would let it slide. Still, it's a good time for love and you look forward after a spell of romantic nostalgia. Talk nicely to your bank manager and a great first impression swings the deal.

A meeting of minds adds intrigue and you pinpoint exactly what you want in love. People –planet Venus adds a softer note, but be aware of a tricky partner who spins the situation their way. Monday returns you to old romantic patterns, and a familiar face understands. Decide where you come down between old and new working styles.

Your scheming boss embodies everything you are against, but you have to fit in. All-action Mars gives you energy and you assert your power and keep the peace. Smart work. Romance stirs in an unlikely area and a shared fitness kick finds new friends. Lie low on Thursday and a weekend renaissance soon follows.

You combine dreams with practical moves and a long-cherished ambition finally gels. Believe you can have what you want and don’t compromise. Saturn, planet of reality, sits kindly and earning credentials for the long term makes you the expert. A friend acts out on Wednesday, but you enjoy an exotic change of pace.

The bigger your shock value, the happier you feel. Uranus, planet of rebellion reverse any compromises with conformity, and it’s your way or bust. You are looking for excitement, but make sure your romantic signals are understood. Tuesday sees a trade-off between mixing with high rollers at work and finding your heart at home.

A veteran in your field, you’re looking around for a new scene. Backs-to-the-wall time has galvanizing effect and you find a foothold you would otherwise miss. Dust off your DIY skills and press an old item into service. The boy or girl next door has unexpected promise and a message sent on Wednesday has your special eloquent touch.

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