Wednesday 22 October 2014

Shubh Diwali!

Diwali, the Vedic Festival of Lights occurs at the New Moon in the lunar month of Kartika. It symbolizes the new year and the triumph of light over darkness, and this year falls on Thursday 23rd October. For those of us living in the Frozen North (aka, London) it is a very welcome celebration, just as the clocks go back and we're plunged into darkness.

This is traditionally the most auspicious time of year to worship Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. If you wish to manifest your desires for the coming year, clean your home, light diya lamps filled with ghee and, after a bath, chant Lakshmi mantras. A picture or statuette of Lakshmi is often beneficial: puja materials are obtainable from many Indian supermarkets at this time of year. It is best to use a mantra that you have been given personally by a teacher, but rather than choose one randomly (with faulty pronunciation) the next best thing is to listen. 

The above chant is Sri Suktam, a famous Sanskrit hymn in praise of Mahalakshmi, from the Rig Veda. In 16 verses (slokas), Lakshmi is addressed as the bestower of fame and abundance in the form of gold and food, and entreated to banish her sister Alakṣmī, who is associated with need and poverty. The English translation is given.
This year the Diwali New Moon happens to be a partial Solar Eclipse, which occurs at 09:45pm GMT, in the constellation of Chitta. Eclipses are especially auspicious times to perform chanting and puja.

I personally will be attending Diwali celebrations at the the Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in north London:


Monday 6 October 2014

Mercury Retrograde/ Buddha Vakra October 2014

So Mercury is retrograde until Saturday 25th October. You will probably already have noticed a few events going askew and reminders from the past cropping up. Retrogrades occur when a planet is closet to the Earth, so as well as the familiar horror stories, there is also scope for extra focused energy. 

This period can be difficult, no question, but it is bad use of astrology to 'avoid' it altogether. Take care before handing cash over, and instead use the time to window shop and become an expert on the goodies you're looking for. In the end, your investigations may come to nothing, or you forget about a particular purchase, but you may also find a golden nugget of information. 
Check all your email folders for missing messages and look for old numbers and business cards. Even a computer crash or lost documents can be enlightening if you have to look more closely into the matter and find a new workaround. 

Sports fans and politics watchers will see the managerial and ministerial merry-go-round in full swing. Someone who has survived the dreaded 'vote-of-confidence' may be dispensed with, while a face from the past returns to complete their mission. There is scope for redemption under Mercury retro, and while anything enacted under its imprint may take longer, the extra effort is usually worth it.

In sidereal Libra, there may be emphasis on relationships until Friday 17th - reconnecting with an ex or simply hanging out with old friends. After the 17th, Mercury is in exaltation in Virgo, so it's a great time to find precision, if not perfection, in your communication. A golden opportunity that you let slip in September comes around for a second bite.