Saturday, 29 June 2013

Astroboogie Stars 30th June 2013

Jupiter in Cancer, the recovery starts here. Read your
rising sign too, if you know it.

Persistence rewarded, you have earned your wings and results come at last. Broad-ranging Jupiter gives you relief, a sense of anticipation and sheer lady luck. And you deserve it all. Think big and international, and a philosophical outlook lifts you above the day-to-day ritual. Remember Mercury retrograde protocol and keep your options open before putting a project in the can. A fluid situation sees an even better deal on the table when you take matters to the brink. Grab a nugget of information that passed you by last time, and a peace offering on Monday straightens things out in love.

Domestic duties distract your attention and authority breathes down your neck. You seek to put roots down, but somebody close has a different idea - talk it over. Venus, planet of diplomacy, gives you all the moves and you steer between opposing views. An invitation arrives from a forgotten friend and a memory lane trip sparks your imagination.

Your social life gets a lift and all good things come from your circle. As Mercury, your ruler, retreats, missing information comes to light that lets you fill in the puzzle. Join forces with like-minded humanitarians and you find a new cause and new friends. Still, private time with one carefully chosen person is a different kind of delight.

You are caught in the crossfire of opposing ambitions. Torn between freedom in love and commitment at home, welcome to life in a tumble-drier. So jovial Jupiter gives you new options and now it doesn’t have to be either-or. A humble opening at work turns into a bigger deal and you get stroking for a private job perfectly executed.

You are carrying the weight for everyone and trying not to show it. Monday sees a clash between duty and fun, and friends wonder why you are so driven. Goodwill builds up in your account, but make sure that you are working for a worthwhile cause. Jupiter, planet of grace, brings a delayed travel plan forward and somebody to share it.

Someone pressures you to commit and you tap dance around each other. Velvety Venus gives you sure touch and you keep the peace while ring-fencing your freedom. Grab a siesta midweek and beware of falling into past romantic patterns. Your energy returns with a surge on Friday, and creative accounting gets your business started.

Luxuriate in company, as a familiar face comes back for a re-run. You decipher a message from the past and have relationship knowledge that was missing last time. An attractive world-view comes with a guru figure to explain it. Jupiter, planet of wisdom, makes you generous and the love you take is equal to the love you make. 

You have a subtle touch in love, even when intrigue sparks. Spell your message out clearly on Monday, even if it means going against the flow. Especially so! An assertive touch hides underneath your charm. Day-to-day work has unexpected rewards and tuning up old skills parts the clouds. The long route at work leads to the top.

Everyone sees you are a dreamer, but you keep a steady ship. A stellar line-up of water planets announces your talent and your creativity brings in a cosmopolitan flavour. Stop crying, count your blessings, and think on a galactic scale. Jupiter, your ruler, gives you a talent-spotter's instinct, as you revive your artistic mojo.

Sincere but contrary, you are aching to break away. Make the leap and take charge of your life - building your home base up gives you freedom to move.  A delayed message from a family member arrives in its own time. Monday’s Aries Moon gives you the advantage and you weigh a romantic liaison with a touch of the political.

You are spending up a storm, but are you getting the best deal? Waiting is smarter than plowing ahead, and getting the rights to a good idea beats working. Tuesday’s Taurus Moon sees you on comfortable territory and pressure to perform eases up. You have served your time, now think about a cause closer to your heart.

You are full-on and focused, and amaze everyone with your take-charge style. Feisty Mars, gives you traction and your competitive streak sees you break usual boundaries. Security lands in your lap and a smart investment makes your luck last longer. Haggle on the fine-print, and leave signing on the line until you can see the full board.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Astroboogie Stars June 23rd 2013

Super Moon bonus! I will answer the first five people who send in their 
time, date and place of birth below.

A turnaround is required before your good luck kicks in. Sunday 23rd’s super full-Moon hits your emotional centre and you celebrate being alive. You see career and romantic dilemmas in perspective, and a solution appears on a different level to where the problem arose. Guaranteed. Royal Jupiter hitting your sign brings longed-for release. A helicopter vision takes you above the day-to-day and your sense of grandeur is perfectly in order. Diva time! Quicksilver Mercury turns backwards on Wednesday and an expected answer takes longer to arrive. Stick to your guns and defer a decision until all the data is in. Your generous gift hits the spot by the weekend.

Doing less so often beats doing more. Quality time in private brings inspiration bubbling up, and serving a bigger cause gives you kudos and satisfaction. An unexpected message inspires a delve into your past and you withdraw to mull things over. Venus, planet of love, hits Leo on Friday and your forgiving touch resolves a nagging doubt.

Confusion about what you want in love leads you down a different path. Fantasmagoric Neptune makes you believe, yet your faith is rewarded in the real world. Unite around a political goal and a family feeling comes from your friends. A psychic connection on Friday brings you closer and you end up finishing your partner’s thoughts.

Payoff time comes from the merry-go-round in business and at home.  Visionary Jupiter climbs to the top of your chart on Wednesday and your leadership qualities are on display. Think big, stay open to advice, and consider a foreign posting. Your communication is smart and romance sparks with someone who shares your vision of the world. 

Deadlines ratchet up as your career train is leaving the station. Now or never time for your ambitions gives you courage and you break through set reservations. Majestic Jupiter comes to the rescue and a touch of élan sets you apart from the workaday crowd. You are a crowd-pleaser on Saturday and chemistry with the boss opens a door.

Sunday’s Sagittarius Full Moon is a marker in the year and you owe it to yourself to celebrate. Nobody does it like you, and sheer joie de vivre makes you a hot ticket. Your romantic pitch is upfront and your target finds your candour refreshing. Modernize your ambitions, and using work facilities after hours boosts your business cause.

An old flame stages a return and you sense new promise from the past. Take an offer on its merits - fate doesn’t force you to commit just because someone asks. Wrap up unfinished business, but keep looking forwards. The slate is wiped clean and Monday’s Capricorn Moon combines a sensitive touch with social awareness savvy.

Delays at work mount up and you take twice as long to go half as far. Still, you have signed up for a marathon and a career detour is worth the effort. People gather together and chicanery in your love life is best treated coolly. Wednesday’s Aquarius Moon sees all change and a hot job offer comes from a forgotten application.

A ‘told you so’ moment comes for all the right reasons. Nobody believed your vision of the future but the fantasy scenario comes together as if  ordained. Jupiter, your ruler, gives you a cavalier touch, guided with a sure sense of direction. Friday sees you on top form and your romantic faith sees a miraculous transformation.

Getting things right at home puts a rocket under your career quest. Investing in property is a good bet and the picture-book scenario can be yours. Your restless heart gives you a faraway look and you break away from the formal and familiar. Sunday’s Full Moon inflates your emotions and a sociable moment puts it all in perspective.

The pressure rises and you spin the wheel for high stakes. Saturn, planet of discipline, narrows your focus and everything peripheral to success takes second place. Your physical energy is stretched and you only have time for rewarding avenues. Home entertaining goes smoothly at the weekend and a sibling shares words of love.

Lay low on Sunday’s Full Moon and a familiar face is the only one who gets it. The temptation is to pull up trees, but pace yourself and focus your energy. A payoff comes from investing smartly and making a rainy-day fund makes your good luck last. Hold on to your fantasy career and a generous gesture goes into your karmic account.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Astrology and the Astrologer

Anyone who read the comments to my weekly stars June 16th will note the similarities between the three people who wrote in. Specifically, they all had natal Venus at between 11-13 degrees Scorpio. What are the odds against this?

Transiting Saturn is currently in Scorpio, having stationed already at 11 degrees in February, and it passes again over this point again in October 2013. Two of the readers asked specifically about relationships, which is normal for astrology advice. Plus, who doesn't have relationship questions with Saturn-Venus? It's practically mandatory. But regardless of the personal issues, the synchronicity of the different charts is striking.

To astrologers, of course, this is nothing new. How many times have we done events or phone-line sessions where a theme emerges from the shift? A bunch of people with Saturn in the same house, ie, not purely a generational matter? Days where everyone is asking the same horaries? I once did a benefit gig for recovering drug abusers, and naturally there were many charts with a prominent Neptune. At The College of Psychic Studies, your average punter has a more than averagely populated Eighth House.

People come for readings at certain times, for specific reasons. You come across a new interpretation technique or rule, and your next client has a textbook example of it. It's weird. Astrology is a spiritual path and the astrologer learns as much as the client.

But the real thing that freaked me out is that my own natal Venus is, yup... 11 degrees Scorpio.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Astroboogie Stars June 16th 2013

Give your time, date and place of birth, plus a question about your chart, and I will answer personally the first three people who write in below.

A surge of competitive spirit propels you into the elite. You enjoy upending the peace, and rambunctious Mars sees you staking out your territory. Still, use your head and pick your battles carefully. Finish up old projects and don’t kick off major changes until you are a hundred percent about the outcome. Your ruler Mercury keeps pace with tactful Venus and a business powwow brings you a financial coup. Pay over the odds if you must to get your prize on Friday. Your fantasy career is grounded in the real world, so keep your eyes on the dream.

You have the gift of speech and pouring your heart out sees success. Thursday tunes up your negotiation skills and your user-friendly approach invites new offers. An agitator at work provokes you into a overdue skills rethink. Venus, planet of delights, gives you a invisible aura and flirtation comes to find you in the supermarket queue. 

Studying behind the scenes is a delight and you are transported to a special place. A telepathic link with your lover shares at deeper level than words. Overbearing bosses make their presence felt, but a smart suggestion cements your position. Your ruler, the Sun, heads into your spiritual zone on Friday, perfect for yoga session intensity.

Your independent spirit keeps the career flame alive. Insist on full credit for a shared scheme, otherwise go it alone. Mercury, your ruler, focuses on hopes and wishes, and joining with like minded souls makes a win-win proposition. You know the difference between self-interest and self-sacrifice, and your generous gesture is noticed.

Getting rich with elbow grease is only half the picture. Sober Saturn takes you down the conventional route, but injecting an element of fantasy is the smarter way. Believe in your cause and investing in imagery is the real gold mine. Tuesday’s Libra Moon tips the scales your way and simple manners have a miraculous beguiling effect.

The impact of your work isn’t obvious while you’re in the thick of it. You are stress-tested and world-weary, though outsiders can see you going places. On-the-job experience makes you dangerous and Wednesday’s Scorpio Moon gives you an edge. Keep burning midnight oil and a benevolent romantic figure comes to your rescue.

Your irreverent romantic appeal breaks down boundaries. Get straight to the point and your target says yes before they can say no. Make your plans for Saturday’s lucky Sagittarius Moon, a landmark moment in the year. Forget about the past and working on yourself in private gets you accepted into an exclusive inner sanctum. 

Striking a truce in times of rapid change is tough. Your inclusive touch brings friends together and a telling conversation comes in casual guise. Someone close is cajoling and you are happy to play along. The Sun hits your partnership zone on Friday and a big personality lights up a hidden romantic truth.

You direct operations with a light leadership touch. Cash in on your energy flow and you strike a tough deal while keeping everyone onside. Take the high road at work and the longer route gives you a firmer grip of success. Aquarian activism finds the perfect outlet, as your charitable gift combines with real-world savvy.

The world is vivid, yet unreal and you are tempted to surrender to the first likely cause. Neptune, your ruler, sets your imagination on fire and you go beyond the call to help a friend. A big hitter loves your work and becomes an agent and benefactor. You sell yourself smartly on Thursday and your enchanting vision becomes a fact.

Make your home beautiful, but keep an open mind. Listen to advice and hold off the final say until you have all the angles covered. You itch to break away midweek, but a family occasion goes smoothly with you playing  peacekeeper. Mars, your ruler, has you attacking a paperwork backlog and a forgotten invitation drops into your hand.

Your tight schedule keeps you working and you weigh the cost of ambitions still to fulfil. The solution lies within and an unanswered prayer lets you focus on your real mission. Catch your breath on Wednesday and good news lands on the mat. An unlikely romantic match grows on you, and only those who are for real need apply. 

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Astroboogie Stars June 9th 2013

In the grip of a genius idea, you are right to push your luck. Jupiter, planet of faith, gives you a vision that outstrips your usual view of the world. Act on the plan and don't look back. Pay attention to emotions in your career quest, and reading between the lines gives you the edge. Bosses see there is more to you than a smart all-rounder with the gift of the gab. Still, count to ten before you speak. You are in full competition mode and somebody quickly finds out what you really think. Lazy Sunday’s Gemini Moon gives you a laid-back time and your proposal is put through.

Coming out of your shell is a tough test for any Crab. You are caught in the crossfire and staying put is not an option. But a creative gift you take for granted gives you long-term luck. You can be charming and frivolous, realistic and visionary all at once. Monday’s home-territory Cancer Moon is the parsley garnish on a pivotal week.

A secret liaison lets you get things straightened out. You show a face to somebody quite unlike your public image and they appreciate what they see. Target Wednesday’s Leo Moon for a delicate negotiation and get more than you bargained for. An avant-garde plan goes smoothly and you overcome resistance from the white-collar crowd.

Find a cause to serve without sacrificing too much. Ego-oriented attitude is only half the story, and something you believe in helps you feel good. Keep it real. Your decisions are influenced by fantasy notions quite unlike your usual prudent self. Sense reigns on Saturday 15th as the fortunate Virgo Moon puts both your feet on the ground.

A touch of the artistic turns your career prospects around. Instead of kow-towing to the corporate monkeys, step out and flaunt your native talent. Your ruler Venus cements your reputation as you gauge the group mood in a high-pressure situation. A long-distance trip broadens your world and a guru figure has knowledge to share.

Friends complain that you are all focused on the job. Overbearing deadlines keep the pressure on and tunnel vision allows no respite. Still, as charismatic Venus and Neptune align, you find the best of all possible worlds. Schedule some quality time on Friday and the contrast to work, work, work, lifts your performance and popularity.

A pushy partner makes their feelings plain and the chemistry crackles. Mars, planet of action, enjoys an argument and you clear the air where before you would let it slide. Still, it's a good time for love and you look forward after a spell of romantic nostalgia. Talk nicely to your bank manager and a great first impression swings the deal.

A meeting of minds adds intrigue and you pinpoint exactly what you want in love. People –planet Venus adds a softer note, but be aware of a tricky partner who spins the situation their way. Monday returns you to old romantic patterns, and a familiar face understands. Decide where you come down between old and new working styles.

Your scheming boss embodies everything you are against, but you have to fit in. All-action Mars gives you energy and you assert your power and keep the peace. Smart work. Romance stirs in an unlikely area and a shared fitness kick finds new friends. Lie low on Thursday and a weekend renaissance soon follows.

You combine dreams with practical moves and a long-cherished ambition finally gels. Believe you can have what you want and don’t compromise. Saturn, planet of reality, sits kindly and earning credentials for the long term makes you the expert. A friend acts out on Wednesday, but you enjoy an exotic change of pace.

The bigger your shock value, the happier you feel. Uranus, planet of rebellion reverse any compromises with conformity, and it’s your way or bust. You are looking for excitement, but make sure your romantic signals are understood. Tuesday sees a trade-off between mixing with high rollers at work and finding your heart at home.

A veteran in your field, you’re looking around for a new scene. Backs-to-the-wall time has galvanizing effect and you find a foothold you would otherwise miss. Dust off your DIY skills and press an old item into service. The boy or girl next door has unexpected promise and a message sent on Wednesday has your special eloquent touch.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Astroboogie Stars June 2nd 2013

Venus, Saturn and Neptune form a stunning Water Grand Trine...
build your castle in the air and collect the rent.

You are filled with resolve and chase up hot leads you’ve been filing away. Pushy Mars gives you a pugnacious streak and direct intervention beats sitting it out on the sidelines. Still, prioritize the worthwhile stuff and you  avoid being the classic busy fool. A gratuitously generous gesture on Monday appeals to your partner’s luxury-loving side. They protest, but secretly adore it. Keep in mind a vision you have for your perfect world and refer back to the present time for inspiration. Saturday’s New Moon in your sign signals start-over time and you reconstruct a dream on an epic scale.

You are in the eye of the storm and contend with contrary types in an unpredictable climate. Part of you wishes to conform, other parts to forge your own idiosyncratic path. Diplomatic Venus gives you the goods from Monday. You are generous, see both sides, and your ineffable charm finds peace that is beyond others’ imagination.

Helping somebody out makes you feel good and provides a romantic payoff. Sweet solitude sorts your feelings out and Tuesday’s heartfelt message strikes the perfect note. Go ahead with your experimental plan for world domination. A new innovation’s time has come and pitching yourself into the avant-garde gives courage to all comers.

You have everything you could want, but a mysterious element is missing. It’s not enough to further your own crusade, you must serve a bigger cause. Is your belief in somebody’s talismanic qualities well-founded? Trust but verify. Audition a new look at Saturday’s New Moon and you have a classy blend of romance and reality.

Opposing forces spin around you and you decide where you land. Dissident feelings well up in love, yet home ties keep you honest and focused. Play to your strong suit. Your photogenic image tips the balance and harmony at work makes good luck. Venus, your ruler, hits your chart’s summit by Tuesday and sparks chemistry with the boss.

A subtle approach wins where huff and puff falls short. Forget overbearing deadlines and let someone seduce you into fun and forgetting. You go the extra mile, but still, save yourself trouble by thinking your strategy through first. A rare mix of romantic Venus and visionary Neptune gives your daily round a touch of magic.

You keep somebody at arms length, but at a certain cost. Try a new approach and front the situation up. Self-exploration brings out your best qualities and quiet soul-searching sees a transformation away from prying eyes. Saturday 8th’s New Moon favours a private rendezvous with the person who understands you best.

Making plans with two creates an opening from the air. Mercury, the messenger, attracts you to somebody’s sales pitch and you offer your own pep-talk. Romantic intrigue adds drama, and qualities you take for granted are at a premium. You know all about stubborn characters, but Friday takes all your powers of persuasion.

You like structure and have a stubborn streak, despite your free-spirited hoopla. Let things go a little, and your ruler Saturn makes hard work seem easy. Your new diet brings you good health, great looks and an unlikely friend. Keep track of where your donations are going, but goodwill wins over bean counting.

People are used to your daydream notions, but your ideas are accepted at a higher echelon. Your ruler Neptune dances together with romantic Venus and sober Saturn. You have style, insight and business savvy all together. Appeal to emotions on Wednesday and your genius idea seems obvious only once you have explained it.

You are up for a battle of wits and first to the intellectual punch. You put your views across and a sibling is on hand to back up your claims. Publish and be damned. Others are on their own emotional wavelength so be prepared to go it alone. Monday’s Aries Moon gives an emotional cushion and people get your ideas without needing to be told.

Draw on your energy reserves, this is truly the darkest hour before dawn. Authority figures play hardball and you summon your beleaguered limbs for one more charge. Work smart and hard. Syndicate your work, offer win-win deals, and people know you will deliver. Thursday’s Taurus Moon gets you in to invest on an international scale.