Jupiter in Cancer, the recovery starts here. Read your
rising sign too, if you know it.
rewarded, you have earned your wings and results come at last. Broad-ranging
Jupiter gives you relief, a sense of anticipation and sheer lady luck. And you deserve it all. Think big and international, and a philosophical outlook lifts
you above the day-to-day ritual. Remember Mercury retrograde protocol and keep
your options open before putting a project in the can. A fluid situation sees an even
better deal on the table when you take matters to the brink. Grab a nugget of information that passed you by last time, and a peace offering on Monday straightens things out in love.
duties distract your attention and authority breathes down your neck. You seek to put roots down, but somebody close has a different
idea - talk it over. Venus, planet of diplomacy, gives you all the moves and you steer
between opposing views. An invitation arrives from a forgotten friend and a
memory lane trip sparks your imagination.
social life gets a lift and all good things come from your circle. As Mercury,
your ruler, retreats, missing information comes to light that lets you fill
in the puzzle. Join forces with like-minded humanitarians and you find a new
cause and new friends. Still, private time with one carefully chosen person is
a different kind of delight.
You are
caught in the crossfire of opposing ambitions. Torn between freedom in love and
commitment at home, welcome to life in a tumble-drier. So jovial Jupiter gives
you new options and now it doesn’t have to be either-or. A humble opening at
work turns into a bigger deal and you get stroking for a private job perfectly
You are
carrying the weight for everyone and trying not to show it. Monday sees a clash
between duty and fun, and friends wonder why you are so driven. Goodwill builds
up in your account, but make sure that you are working for a worthwhile cause.
Jupiter, planet of grace, brings a delayed travel plan forward and somebody to share it.
pressures you to commit and you tap dance around each other. Velvety Venus gives you sure touch and you keep the peace while ring-fencing your freedom. Grab a siesta midweek and beware of falling into past romantic patterns. Your energy returns with a surge on Friday, and creative accounting gets your business started.
in company, as a familiar face comes back for a re-run. You decipher a message from the past and have relationship knowledge that was missing
last time. An attractive world-view comes with a guru figure to explain it. Jupiter, planet of wisdom, makes you generous and the love
you take is equal to the love you make.
You have a
subtle touch in love, even when intrigue sparks. Spell your message
out clearly on Monday, even if it means going against the flow. Especially so! An assertive
touch hides underneath your charm. Day-to-day work has unexpected rewards and
tuning up old skills parts the clouds. The long route at work leads to
the top.
Everyone sees you are a dreamer, but you keep a steady ship. A stellar line-up of
water planets announces your talent and your creativity brings in a
cosmopolitan flavour. Stop crying, count your blessings, and think on a galactic scale. Jupiter, your ruler, gives you a talent-spotter's instinct, as you revive your artistic mojo.
Sincere but contrary, you are
aching to break away. Make the leap and take charge of your life - building your home base up gives you freedom to move. A delayed message from a family member arrives in its own time. Monday’s Aries Moon gives you the advantage and you weigh a romantic liaison with a touch of the political.
You are
spending up a storm, but are you getting the best deal? Waiting is smarter than
plowing ahead, and getting the rights to a good idea beats working. Tuesday’s
Taurus Moon sees you on comfortable territory and pressure to perform eases up.
You have served your time, now think about a cause closer to your heart.
You are
full-on and focused, and amaze everyone with your take-charge style. Feisty Mars, gives you traction and your competitive streak sees you break usual boundaries. Security lands in your lap and a smart investment makes your
luck last longer. Haggle on the fine-print, and leave signing on the line until
you can see the full board.