Pluto 9-10 degrees Capricorn.
The current Pluto-Uranus square, with us until Spring 2015, is a big-deal generational aspect between two pushy planets. So many Capricorn institutions: bankers, politicians, the Church, the Press, are having Pluto's spotlight beamed on them, with the unruly Uranus in Aries mob demanding instant action, 'me, me, me'. Politics, power and business as usual is now being seriously questioned, particularly with the square hovering at 9-10 degrees of the cardinal signs. This covers the area of the zodiac 1st January, where lots of countries and institutions' Suns naturally fall. The clash between old and new is given extra potency: the lights go on and we see what the cockroaches were up to scuttling about in the dark.
Both the main UK charts, for 1066 and 1801, have the Sun at 9-10 Cap. In the aftermath of Queen's Diamond Jubilee, a good-natured national bash many pro and anti-monarchist alike thought they'd never see, the UK still faces potential ruptures of Scottish independence and the disestablishment of the Church. This latter is a recurrent theme for this astrologer (more of a Neptune in Pisces's issue, more elsewhere), but Pluto kills things and brings them back to life in a different form. The Jubilee brought inevitable talk of 'bread and circuses', but unless people get more bread, the revolution will rumble on.
The circus comes with The Olympics, in anticipation of which, some east London residences have had missile launchers installed on their roofs, yes, really. Welcome to the bunker. This, along with a particularly s l o w Mercury retro (July 15th- August 8th), will make getting around London over the Summer an athletic feat in itself. We remember the atmosphere of the 7/7 terror attacks, only a couple of days after London was awarded the Games in 2005.
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Still, the square to Uranus? Vested interests are holding on to their power and, as in Syria, we are seeing a life-and-death struggle after the initial ease of 2011's Arab Spring. Uranus in Aries is capitalism in a nutshell and shows the entrepreneurial revolution in essence. Lots of people, products of the Thatcher-Reagan years, will throw their hands up in horror, but this is a new kind of pioneering spirit. Not working for The Man, but people doing their own independent thing in arts, crafts and self-development. Its official: everyone is a yoga teacher now (except for the life coaches).
Throughout my lifetime (since the 1960s), Pluto has always threatened to destroy the world, and that's how it's always been. Pluto in Virgo saw the influence of mind-altering drugs and spawned Generation X's slacker attitude to 9-5 work; Pluto in Libra in the 1970s and early 80s revolutionized relationships ("marriage, what's the point?"); Pluto in Scorpio brought us the scary sex backlash and the AIDS apocalypse; Pluto in Sagittarius saw the dark underbelly of religion: radical Islam, suicide terrorists and the New Crusades. Now we have Pluto in Capricorn and the world is about to end through the demise of capitalism and the great instruments of state.
As much as Saturn-Uranus-Neptune in Capricorn did for the monolith of Soviet Communism, Capitalism was seen as the natural alternative. Now under Pluto in Capricorn, our excesses are being examined. The West's economic revolution, I believe, is as a result of its complacency, and economic and military exploitation of developing countries over the last many years. That Greece, the cradle of democracy, should be struggling so badly may be symbolic that this system of government itself isn't invulnerable. Pluto square Uranus rages on for the next three years, but the 2012 portion will be emotional.
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