Sunday 16 June 2013

Astrology and the Astrologer

Anyone who read the comments to my weekly stars June 16th will note the similarities between the three people who wrote in. Specifically, they all had natal Venus at between 11-13 degrees Scorpio. What are the odds against this?

Transiting Saturn is currently in Scorpio, having stationed already at 11 degrees in February, and it passes again over this point again in October 2013. Two of the readers asked specifically about relationships, which is normal for astrology advice. Plus, who doesn't have relationship questions with Saturn-Venus? It's practically mandatory. But regardless of the personal issues, the synchronicity of the different charts is striking.

To astrologers, of course, this is nothing new. How many times have we done events or phone-line sessions where a theme emerges from the shift? A bunch of people with Saturn in the same house, ie, not purely a generational matter? Days where everyone is asking the same horaries? I once did a benefit gig for recovering drug abusers, and naturally there were many charts with a prominent Neptune. At The College of Psychic Studies, your average punter has a more than averagely populated Eighth House.

People come for readings at certain times, for specific reasons. You come across a new interpretation technique or rule, and your next client has a textbook example of it. It's weird. Astrology is a spiritual path and the astrologer learns as much as the client.

But the real thing that freaked me out is that my own natal Venus is, yup... 11 degrees Scorpio.


  1. Well, Adam, I wondered what you meant when you said the three of us commenters had similar stories! Welcome to the 11* Venus in Scorpio club...we had our first meeting right here, yesterday. Yes, this is an amazing quinky-dink...glad I was part of it. I always enjoy your posts and I couldn't believe that I was able to be one of the three to receive your answers to our questions...thanks!

  2. Thanks, Mike, I'll reply to your email asap.
