Saturday 22 June 2013

Astroboogie Stars June 23rd 2013

Super Moon bonus! I will answer the first five people who send in their 
time, date and place of birth below.

A turnaround is required before your good luck kicks in. Sunday 23rd’s super full-Moon hits your emotional centre and you celebrate being alive. You see career and romantic dilemmas in perspective, and a solution appears on a different level to where the problem arose. Guaranteed. Royal Jupiter hitting your sign brings longed-for release. A helicopter vision takes you above the day-to-day and your sense of grandeur is perfectly in order. Diva time! Quicksilver Mercury turns backwards on Wednesday and an expected answer takes longer to arrive. Stick to your guns and defer a decision until all the data is in. Your generous gift hits the spot by the weekend.

Doing less so often beats doing more. Quality time in private brings inspiration bubbling up, and serving a bigger cause gives you kudos and satisfaction. An unexpected message inspires a delve into your past and you withdraw to mull things over. Venus, planet of love, hits Leo on Friday and your forgiving touch resolves a nagging doubt.

Confusion about what you want in love leads you down a different path. Fantasmagoric Neptune makes you believe, yet your faith is rewarded in the real world. Unite around a political goal and a family feeling comes from your friends. A psychic connection on Friday brings you closer and you end up finishing your partner’s thoughts.

Payoff time comes from the merry-go-round in business and at home.  Visionary Jupiter climbs to the top of your chart on Wednesday and your leadership qualities are on display. Think big, stay open to advice, and consider a foreign posting. Your communication is smart and romance sparks with someone who shares your vision of the world. 

Deadlines ratchet up as your career train is leaving the station. Now or never time for your ambitions gives you courage and you break through set reservations. Majestic Jupiter comes to the rescue and a touch of élan sets you apart from the workaday crowd. You are a crowd-pleaser on Saturday and chemistry with the boss opens a door.

Sunday’s Sagittarius Full Moon is a marker in the year and you owe it to yourself to celebrate. Nobody does it like you, and sheer joie de vivre makes you a hot ticket. Your romantic pitch is upfront and your target finds your candour refreshing. Modernize your ambitions, and using work facilities after hours boosts your business cause.

An old flame stages a return and you sense new promise from the past. Take an offer on its merits - fate doesn’t force you to commit just because someone asks. Wrap up unfinished business, but keep looking forwards. The slate is wiped clean and Monday’s Capricorn Moon combines a sensitive touch with social awareness savvy.

Delays at work mount up and you take twice as long to go half as far. Still, you have signed up for a marathon and a career detour is worth the effort. People gather together and chicanery in your love life is best treated coolly. Wednesday’s Aquarius Moon sees all change and a hot job offer comes from a forgotten application.

A ‘told you so’ moment comes for all the right reasons. Nobody believed your vision of the future but the fantasy scenario comes together as if  ordained. Jupiter, your ruler, gives you a cavalier touch, guided with a sure sense of direction. Friday sees you on top form and your romantic faith sees a miraculous transformation.

Getting things right at home puts a rocket under your career quest. Investing in property is a good bet and the picture-book scenario can be yours. Your restless heart gives you a faraway look and you break away from the formal and familiar. Sunday’s Full Moon inflates your emotions and a sociable moment puts it all in perspective.

The pressure rises and you spin the wheel for high stakes. Saturn, planet of discipline, narrows your focus and everything peripheral to success takes second place. Your physical energy is stretched and you only have time for rewarding avenues. Home entertaining goes smoothly at the weekend and a sibling shares words of love.

Lay low on Sunday’s Full Moon and a familiar face is the only one who gets it. The temptation is to pull up trees, but pace yourself and focus your energy. A payoff comes from investing smartly and making a rainy-day fund makes your good luck last. Hold on to your fantasy career and a generous gesture goes into your karmic account.


  1. Vanessa cleary born 24 th november 1967.penrith australia at 8.32 pm

    1. Hi Vanessa - Sorry for the delay. I'd suggest your main focus now is creativity. By October of this year, your natal Mercury is under the spotlight and you'll be working very hard on communication. Ever thought of writing a book? If you have kids, you may also be earning medals for parenthood.

      Take a new direction with your career - something modern and technological that gives you freedom. 2013 so far has probably brought you some great opportunities (travel, new people and prospects) and your world has expanded. Next year, you will be in the money. You heard it here first.

    2. Hello Adam-You are spot on!
      And myself Sagittarius/Gemini and Son Gemini/Sagittarius oh I have a box full of medals.
      And 2013 has bought me opportunities and by the years end I will be stone broke.
      Hearing next year I will be in the money brings a very big smile indeed .

      Thank You so very much Adam


  2. Mahesh
    15th November 1979 at 18:38
    Bangalore, Karnataka, India

    1. Thanks for writing, Mahesh. You have come out of a time of restlessness and sudden personal change. December 2012-January 2013 may have seen a kind of revolution, leaving you freer and less encumbered. It should be easier to make long-term decisions now.

      I expect you are working very hard at present, and the good news is you are being rewarded for it. Your money situation is good for the next several months. Target one ambition you want above all, and focus on that. By January 2014 you may be making important decisions and it is vital that you don't attempt too much at once. Pace yourself - work isn't everything.

      2014 will be significant for your relationships - either you will find someone, or your existing partnership will get more serious.

    2. Tx Adam. The going has been very tough since many years now and hoping for some big changes on the personal and professional front.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Born August 10th 1972, Gherla, Romania, 21:45
    Any love/marriage, ever?

    1. Hi Corina - Thanks for your message. Jupiter, planet of good luck (see my blog post 'Do You Feel Lucky?) hits your natal Venus in July. This should see a lift for your relationships, and if not a brand-new lover, then certainly a surge of optimism. You will forget the past and start looking forwards.

      I wonder if mid-2011 might have been important for your relationships? In any case, you have learned a lot over the last couple of years about what you want from someone - and what you don't want.

      From mid-2014, take care not to over-romanticize potential partners, or try and 'rescue' them. Someone may appear very charming, but make sure you are both in the same level - a friend may help you to be objective at this time.

    2. Thank you, Adam. I'm not sure about mid-2011. Things are very elusive with me. They always remain as a potential, as a promise. Ultimately, it's only in my mind. Do you see a beginning of some kind there? Have I met someone important?

    3. Between 2011 and now, you may have felt the hand of fate in your relationships. The same kind of people coming into your life repeatedly and teaching you that sometimes it takes more than love. It's sort of a reality check. Jupiter-Venus next month gives your social life a lift, and at least you should be having fun.

    4. Dear Adam, thank you very much for your answers. Maybe I'll write to you one day about your other interests.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Bee - Even though you are in a new job, money is probably very much on your mind. Things may be a little tough still until September (feeling tired, aware of time passing, not getting support from your boss; all of the above), but then life will get easier. Take it slow and steady. Focus on important stuff, and don't try to do too much - it's amazing how quickly you will bounce back. Saturn, planet of work and success, is currently opposite your Sun-sign, but by October at the latest, you will feel *much* better. This phase is your springboard for bigger success next year.

    2. Thank you Adam, it's interesting you mention sept as it is a teaching post and I will find out where I will officially be then!

      Namaste x

  6. I was born 25/4/87 @ 11:35am, Sydney Australia - thanks!

    1. Hi there - Big turnaround in your life, personal and professional. Your relationships are pretty intense right now, and your partner wants to stay in control. You might be involved in a battle of wills, or else you find somebody to be your favourite obsession.

      Take it easy at work, you are sorting out your priorities and what you want from your career will soon be very different. Your energy might be a bit low, but it will return redoubled in a couple of months.

      Take heart - Jupiter's transit of Cancer over the coming year will expand your potential (see post 'Do You Feel Lucky'). You have exciting times ahead, with travel, new skills and faces entering your world.

  7. 20/9/1790 life answers please?

  8. Thanks everyone for writing in, I'll respond to you all over the week. Love & light, Adam
