Saturday, 30 November 2013

Weekly Stars December 1st 2013

Tuesday's New Moon falls in Jyestha nakshatra in the Vedic lunar calendar.
Jysetha is associated with power and protection. 

Welcome to December, and the Sagittarius New Moon on Tuesday 3rd. Make your image over, aim for boardroom empires, paint your masterpiece, and all your intentions are boosted by the moment. A passing mood midweek focuses on security and you get beneath the surface of a relationship. Conflict ensues between what you say and what you do, but quiet reflection is affirming and your silent prayer is answered. Find your voice on Thursday as planet of the mind Mercury enters your sign. Come down on one side of the fence and realize everything is not a philosophical issue. You have a genius idea for a gift and take steps to make it happen. Some suggest you are currying favour, but your intentions come from the heart.

You are in hustling mode and hide your motivations from the crowd. Venus, planet of luxury, gives you expensive tastes and you do all it takes to get a big-ticket item. Clear out your closet on Tuesday and move into the future. You combine personal charm and fun with the desire to get close to someone with knowledge to share.

If you want to change the system, join the system. You are in full political mode and find an alternative to the way business has always been done.  A behind-the-scenes liaison hits the spot and you combine pushiness with a pleasing style. Friday’s Aquarius Moon gives you a following wind and your first instinct is always best.

Tuesday’s New Moon in your public image zone sets you off on the right foot. A foreign adventure suits your mood and a teaching role makes a platform for your talent. Events move smoothly and you give credit to the past while moving into the future. Think your strategy carefully and get credit for an idea that you put into the pot.

Your radical streak sets you apart, but you set about building bridges. Clever Mercury sits smoothly from Thursday and and thinking clearly saves time and trouble. Set up a charm offensive at work and get closer to the people who matter. Think big, keep it in the family, and a property deal comes to fruition at last.

Your big ambitions change and you refine your whole operation. A close partner puts pressure on and you live with a sense of perpetual deadline. Time is pressing and those in power seem out of sync with your cause. Still, Venus, your ruler sits sweetly and making a united front makes the whole more than the sum of its parts.

Relationships dominate the scene and you combine an emotional touch with smart talk. Tuesday turns over a new leaf and you move on an upswing after a moment of feeling apart. Analyze where you went wrong with somebody, but don’t leave it all in your head. A charity campaign helps your pet cause and you get kudos for caring.

You are in affable mood, but keep alive to real opportunities that exist. A pipedream turns into reality when you put the pedal down. Venus, planet of love, sits in your partnership zone and you get closer to somebody you otherwise overlook. Your energy level escalates by Friday and you shape up for a party in different company.

People at home stymie your efforts as you balance self-expression and the domestic round. Tuesday’s New Moon gives you a break from duties and you are on the upswing at last. Speak smartly and a solution appears out of your back being to the wall. Playing nice in mundane job brings an unexpected payday.

You issue a call-to-arms, except there is a softness to your approach. Venus and Mars keep pace and you blow the tumbleweeds out while making friends and influencing people. Tuesday’s New Moon highlights your domestic zone and withdrawing into a family cocoon is a pure delight. Stay out and hit the pillow hard on Saturday.

A boisterous end to the year arrives, but first you clear the decks. You are in full ambitious mode and a fantasy career proves perfectly viable. Jupiter, planet of faith, gives you 24-carat credentials and your naïve honesty hides a noble character. Write your ideas down and a mixture of emotion and smart thinking sets you apart.

Sunday’s Scorpio Moon is perfect for withdrawing into your psychic space. Meditation and dreamwork rewards the effort and your vision is grounded in the real word. Staid Saturn leaves you woebegone, but you have lots to look forward to with karmic credit heading your way. Save stress and plan your seasonal shopping strategy.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Weekly Stars November 24th 2013

Venus and Jupiter face off ahead of  next month's Venus
 retrograde. Decide on your romantic rules.

Your ideas take shape in solitude and at last you’re ready to commit. Private reading time feeds your mind and Monday’s communication impasse gives way to a better solution. Think big in financial affairs and your persuasive touch gets a deal on a loan. Take charge at work and you get the credit for leading your team. Love comes knocking in a foreign field, even – or especially – when you are not looking for it. Jupiter, your ruler, gives you courage to break down boundaries with someone close and an emotional face-off is suddenly doable. Keep your bearings on Sunday where an escapist moment is in order.

A partner tempts you out of your regular furrow and you do well to surrender. Venus, planet of affection, works in grand style as you accept an invitation and forget the consequences. Make a romantic manifesto and stick to the rules. The hard yards pay off by the weekend and you are on the brink of a career triumph.

You break through at work and find yourself accepted in the higher echelons. Paying attention to finer points gets you kudos and Thursday makes a bridge between service and ambition. The Sun in your ideals zone gives you a grand vision and people to share it with. Colourful company is coming and you snap into context.

You are in stubborn mood and insist on proving your point. Spelling out your message literally isn’t your usual style, but Monday finds friends immune to telepathy. Creativity is king and relearning an old technique brings your artistic gift to light. Keep an attitude of gratitude and grab a surprise invitation with both fins.

Keep your offbeat ideas and people see you are serious about breaking away. What seems like passing mood becomes a lifestyle change. Get your proposals down in writing and a deep conversation takes you places. By Saturday, the Sun chimes with quirky Uranus and you leave your ivory tower. Party mood takes over.

Diplomacy points the way, even when there is much at stake. What you want now is very different to your desires of only a few weeks ago and you fit your vision into a manageable plan. Succeed at something you are good at. You despair at losing touch with someone on Monday, only to rekindle the flame by Friday.

The Sun hitting your relationship zone shines a light on sharing, and a big personality enters your world. You love to learn in love and a guru is at hand to show you the bigger picture. Your financial scene expands and your enhanced status scores a classy introduction. Spend big and Thursday rewards you with a gambler’s luck.

You are on the cusp of greatness, and slow and difficult turns into quick and easy. Lucky Jupiter plays off velvety Venus and you weigh romantic player against marriage material. A bad compromise is better than a good dispute and your energy follows the positive. Relax on Saturday and prove you have a surprise left up your sleeve.

A stubborn customer at home forces you down a different route. Just when you think the connection has broken down, you find a new way to relate. You needed to go to the brink before finding a solution. The weekend holds rich promise and a combination of daring and charisma gets you noticed in arty-party circles.

You are agitato and out to take the lead, but purpose and curiosity underlie your quest. Tuesday’s Virgo Moon is stand-out and nailing down a deadline wins you respect and pay-back. Choose your words carefully and only commit when you have the right deal. Your partner’s illogic is a refreshing change from the norm.

Your financial strategy is sharp and you have a line to people in charge. Get your way after Tuesday and rewards come for sticking in with negotiations. Thursday’s Libra Moon takes you there and you settle into a wilder way of relating. International success combines  with sound investment as you are drawn into a teaching role.

Sure you complain that everything is down to you and no end is in sight. Ambitions are tough. Put a limit on your limitations and realize that everything changes in time. Sober Saturn picks up generous Jupiter and you become a world authority. Saturday gives you an edge and a chance meeting turns into something more.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Weekly Stars November 17th 2013

Sunday's Full Moon is close to its sidereal exaltation degree in Taurus. This auspicious day is Kartik Purnima in the Vedic calendar - the festival of lights of the Gods. 


Your ideas pick up pace as you warm to your new direction. Soon you revised an agreement on a pet project and this time you can take it to the bank. Sunday’s Full Moon in your opposite sign gives you insight and you learn a lot by letting somebody talk. Make your peace after the recent eclipse season and the landscape in your close affairs has shifted. Front up business you haven’t had the stomach for until now, but realize you won’t always be under the same pressure. Sweet are the uses of adversity! Friday focuses on finance and your generous gesture is a hit.

You are a mixture of retiring sage and business mogul, and you aim big on all fronts. Venture into emotions that seemed scary before and an injection of finance empowers your cause. You aim to impress a Big Cheese and the Sun hitting your sign on Friday is your moment to shine. Showcase your skills.

Negotiations go slowly but it’s worth nailing the details. Prepare the ground with a Capricorn quid pro quo and get more for your money. You combine brains, brawn and blarney, and finally get value for a long-running career obsession. Thursday lightens the load and a date goes well when someone else leads.

Competition hots up at work and people at work stoop to any means. Saturn, your ruler, rides high and a life lesson lies in taking your time and facing your fears. Communication issues slow you down and it's smart to compromise on your message. Sunday’s Full Moon favours a family summit meeting.

A partner lights a fire underneath you as your liaison steps up a level. You resist the advance at first, but provocation brings you closer. Think big. A mix of inspired creativity and real-world savvy sets you apart and soon you are living the dream. Friday gives you star status at work, with an exotic teaching flavour.

You move into contention at the office and this weekend sees a smart business call. Steer a course between standing out on your own versus bowing to officialdom. Mars, your ruler, favours nitty-gritty details and a new diet has wide-reaching repercussions. Saturday finds you on familiar turf and in the mood to party.

Sunday’s Full Moon is your unofficial birthday, calling for champagne and ice cream. You have hurdles to cross in love, yet a platonic affair warms up slowly. A passing remark carries bigger implications and you move towards a new commitment. Take the initiative and the other side caves in without a fight.

Your financial plan takes a step back to take two forwards. An international flavour adds scope and you profit from a cause you believe in. Tuesday’s Gemini Moon gives you the benefit of the doubt and you smooth things over when competition gets fierce. Light shines on a love affair and you're open to good advice.

A good offer comes again, in case you didn't catch on the first time. Your generous outlook gives you protection and an interested party sees you as a contender. Get real with your artistic work and a smart idea saves time. Thursday’s Cancer Moon lifts your mood and sympathetic words at the right moment open a door.

Business plans proceed apace and you mix dynamism with smart moves. Cutting costs isn’t your style but there is satisfaction in breathing life into an old item. Crossed signals at home find you examining your priorities, but you plough on despite dissenting voices. Saturday’s Leo Moon sees you stepping out of the shadows.

Use tact when pointing out a project's Achilles heel, even when your appraisal is based on truth. Restless Mars gives you oomph and you plough into a project that stalled for lack of direction. On-the-job advice is available and Tuesday's deadline seals the deal. A romantic partner needs saving and you step up to the mark.

Balancing wild romance with family duties keeps you occupied. You re-imagine your home and a radical design succeeds when you back it up with action. Get the patent on a great idea and a financial plan is more about tomorrow than today. You have guru status and a trip away blends business and fun.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Weekly Stars November 10th 2013

Mercury goes direct, make your mind up time is over.

An eventful spell lands you in a quite different place to only a week ago. Mercury in Scorpio moves forwards and you are ready to commit to an audacious scheme that has been through different incarnations. Keep your eyes on the road, despite an emotional breakthrough, and you are better off free of an outworn commitment. A touch of magic comes into your thinking and gets you around literal-minded types who insist on protocol. Still, somebody connects on an artistic level and you express the intangible with precision. Be romantic and paint a picture with words. Mars, your ruler, is in practical shape midweek and you take charge of your team.

You have a taste for the finer things and shape up for a big financial score. Maintain five-star service at work and mastering technology comes to your rescue. You suspect you are being played, but Tuesday sees your emotional radar confounding someone’s stereotypical view. Tapping into shared resources boosts your business case.

A partner lightens your career obsession and together you do better. Sociable Venus gives you the personal touch and an inclusive attitude supplies a missing link. Still, your romantic intensity makes a power struggle when one side wonders about commitment.  Part of you is ready for undying vows, but part reserves the right to stay free.

Appreciate that others share an emotional level and you have to adjust. There is a clique at the office, but you are smart to stick to your own speciality. You know your business, even when some people question your savvy. Sunday’s Aquarius Moon gives your spirits a lift and committing to a cause is a relief from the valley of indecision.

Adding romance to reality is your stock in trade and you work around a pushy partner. An unglamorous path to the top gets you there just as quickly, and you get kudos for simply turning up. Bosses are receptive to your plans and you are a star without even trying. Monday’s Pisces Moon tips the balance your way for every kind of request.

People in power have a magnetic effect and you are drawn into a political game. Decide which you want most: freedom or control. Try tempting somebody around to your views and you bond in a taste for the outre. Mars, your ruler, masters you brief and Wednesday finds you on persuasive form. Putting down roots gives you more than you bargain for.

Uproar in your personal life gives way to calmer waters. It’s hard to make arrangements when someone shift positions, yet now you can fix to your target. You sense subtle undercurrents and finally move on to another love lesson. Deep intensity on Thursday gets you under the surface of an affair, and you tease a friend out on a touchy issue.

Your dream career feels like it has no connection with the real world. Yet ruler Mercury and fantasy planet Neptune sing midweek and someone is receptive to your vision. Share your ideas and connect hearts and minds. A financial cushion gives you space for meaningful living, and your stock expands to match your charitable moves.

A delayed creative decision comes down and you make a sacrifice for your art. Your grasp of details combines with natural flair, and a technical task comes together easily. Sweet-talk a passionate partner and work around somebody who tries to exert control. A sudden change of heart on Friday is allowed as you find a more exciting Plan B.

A family member gets off the fence and at last you can plan ahead. Your domestic scene changes as you revert back to your first love. A costly outlay shows commitment, but an old gadget can still be pressed into service. Your desire for freedom on Thursday is trumped by an intense partner who keeps your focus on the here and now. 

You are in high-achieving mode and make up for a recent uncertainty principle. Nail your colours to the mast and keep people onside at the same time. By Wednesday your energy is cresting and a sociable feeling takes over the work-first agenda. You meet an overbearing deadline and a sympathetic touch wins payback down the line.

You tiptoe around a relationship summit meeting, but the moment of truth is here. Venus, your ruler, gives you real-world moves and you weigh love versus political clout. Wrestle back control even when part of you wants an all-new romantic scene. A financial wheeze comes together after you size up alternatives, and a long term scheme is best.