Saturday, 27 July 2013

Astroboogie Stars July 28th 2013


Your natural effulgent self comes up against real-world restrictions. A family occasion on Sunday is the scene for a showdown and you make your feelings known. Sober Saturn, planet of ambition, puts you through the hard yards, but log the hours and nobody can take them away. A classy peace offering midweek smooths your passage forwards - choose carefully. A private project fills your quiet time and your task is to achieve a quiet heart. Take courage and soon you can put on an exhibition. A quirky ambition goes mainstream and you get retrospective credit for being ahead of the curve.

Make a choice between the glamorous and the mundane. Classy Venus in your sign makes you lazy in all the best ways and a golden bubble envelops you. Go out, see and be seen. You give your partner wonderful qualities and love goggles have a magical effect. Discover extra intensity on Tuesday you and broach a ticklish subject with tact.

You try everything to keep your situation sweet, and prefer feathers to remain unruffled. Not going to happen. Cranky Uranus gives you an urge to shock and be yourself in all company. For sure dayglo orange goes well at a black-tie event. A lucky break at work comes from long-term lobbying and a close confidante's quiet words strike a chord.

Your energy comes in fits and starts, depending on your mood. On a bad day you can’t be bothered, but put you in the mood and you are unbeatable. Find a cause to fire your passion and to feel protective about. You inch out of a deep hole and start seeing the benefits of all that digging. By Thursday, you are back on home territory.

The Sun in your thought and travel zone gives you purpose, and Saturday 3rd brings a plan together. Show off your futuristic side and people see you as an Archer to be reckoned with. Behind the scenes activity occupies your thoughts and you find a new way to deal in the game. Forget past regrets and look forward to new business. 

Time for a show-and-tell, pick your moment carefully. Your partner is in prickly mood and you compete to outdo each other in love. No rest on Sunday, as feisty Mars goes toe-to-toe with potent Pluto. Still, a friend intercedes and you end up further forwards for clearing the air. You love clever company and somebody smart provides the chemistry.

New information comes to light in love and you shine the spotlight on hidden areas. Big personalities come into your world, and you fight to make sure your wishes are understood. Good things come from humdrum situations and an everyday job provides the perfect answer. Slowly does it at work as you put your hand up for extra duties.

Your partner gives you a dose of reality but you find fun together. Venus, planet of diplomacy, gives you tact and the knack of organizing a social. You burst with inspiration and look for an artistic vehicle to express yourself. Think long-term. Friday gives you romantic poise and calm seas sail you to another level at work.

Play against type and prove people’s perceptions wrong. You have insight into somebody’s needs and show you can listen too. Mars, your ruler, gets territorial when outsiders encroach and a handbreak turn on Tuesday wrong-foots your rivals. A powerful figure is receptive to your maverick plans and the world catches up with your ideas.

Low energy is only temporary and you are soon out of the slump. Cast off restrictions, and security you think you rely on proves so much excess baggage. Still, be nice to yourself, conserve your vitality and specialize in the area where your talents play best. Tuesday’s Taurus Moon gives you a smooth patter and people buy what you are selling.

You have emotion wrapped up in your investments and a historical item proves its value. Mercury, your ruler, weighs finances carefully and security comes from getting the patent on an idea. You are starry-eyed about your career and an unattainable ambition suddenly has real-world currency. Hang in there and deliver on the dream.

Your world expands suddenly, so keep an eye on your waistline. Jupiter, planet of joy, comes to the party, and even if you’re not swinging from the chandeliers you feel sweet inside your skin. A predatory partner is persistent, and Sunday defines mutual boundaries. Keep your energy pulsing and you break the furthest horizons.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Prince George Alexander Louis

The future King George VII, third in line to the British throne, came into life with worldwide fanfare and a destiny on his shoulders. Family and national karma will be lived through his chart, which contains echoes of both his parents and grandparents, Charles and Diana. He was born for public life, but on the whole his chart reveals a quiet, private person.  

Scorpio rises in Vishaka nakshatra, a Jupiter-ruled segment that is known for leadership and a love of sensual pleasure. Lagna ruler Mars joins Jupiter and Mercury in the eighth house of occult pursuits. The Eighth is all about transformation, financial and emotional, and these three planets in Ardra nakshatra gives an emotional kick that is not immediately obvious from the outside. That he will be rich is not in question, but 2nd and 11th house rulers associated in the 8th house implies the extent of his inherited wealth. To a large degree, his whole life revolves around when he will come into his own.

Venus in the tenth bears a lot of weight as the only angular planet. Still, it is conjunct the royal star Regulus, a perfect signature for what increasingly is a purely PR role. He will need to look good in public, to smile and shake hands in all weathers, and give people a sense of reflected royal glory. To this extent, he will be comfortable in the public eye, but Venus ruling the 12th house may bring skeletons to light. He probably will not experience his Venus mahadasha, beginning 2110, but royal discretion will need to be careful of Venus antardashas. 

Long-lens cameras were the bane of royal lives even in his grandparents' time, but in the Twitter age, it is virtually impossible to maintain any old-world royal mystique. He will be seen as a three-dimensional person, warts and all. And like all heirs, attention will focus on how he spends his time before becoming King. The long-lived Windsor line ensures he will have many years to wait before his accession. 12th ruler in the 10th gives a sense of renunciation, or at least of an unclear vocation. Like Charles, he may become frustrated with life behind the scenes and not being able to comment or influence current affairs

At best, with exalted Saturn in the 12th, he may become a great visitor of hospitals and figurehead for humanitarian causes, like his grandmother Diana. Rahu joining Saturn in the 12th lends itself to exotic spirituality and interest in clairvoyance and liberation. Like Charles again, his - possibly quite unconventional - views will be dissected and become common knowledge, whether he likes it or not. By the time he becomes King, yoga practise may be even more widespread and George would be in the forefront of this. 

In a hereditary monarchy, George's main duty will be to marry and have children. Seventh lord Venus shows a glamorous, public marriage and the future royal couple may achieve iconic status. Yet Venus's rulership of the 12th also shows a private side and the suggestion of potential scandal. He would not be the first playboy heir, even if that role usually falls to the younger child in the succession. Fifth house ruler Jupiter in the 8th does not bode well for his relationship with his own children. 

Saturn ruling the 4th house from the 12th suggests difficulty in his relationship with his mother, and the 4th is also aspected by the 12th ruler Venus. Friction with his father  and mentor figures in general is also implied by Saturn's aspect on the 10th lord, Sun. There may be a lot of love in his relationship with William and Kate, but he will resent intrusion into his private life and parental insistence on royal protocol. Saturn is strong in the rasi and the navamsha, but his sense of duty will likely be channelled into unconventional areas.

Sun in the 9th is flanked by benefic Venus and Jupiter, strong in the Navamsha, and also aspected by the full Moon in the 3rd. George may become a strong patron or advocate of the arts, writing and education. Atma Karaka Mercury ruling its own house, with a powerful Jupiter-Mars bears this signature out. Charles, on becoming King, wishes to be known as the 'Defender of Faiths' and this Inter-faith role may be passed down the generations.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Royal Baby

I gave a small TV interview today for Associated Press on the Royal Baby. We had already filmed a segment a couple of weeks ago on said child having Sun in Cancer, but today we switched to the likelihood of Leo. If Will & Kate's baby comes after 5pm local time, then it will be a Leo. If it comes after 7:08pm local time, then it will also have the full Moon in Aquarius. 

This is not generally what media outlets want to hear. They like nice clean lines and feel rather uncomfortable with people who take astrology seriously enough to talk times of day. Still, I smiled hard and convinced them that it made a difference, and no, there is no such thing as being born on the 'cusp'. I didn't take the discussion into anaretic degrees - they'd had enough punishment already.

Yet the royal sprog is an intriguing case. A Cancer-Capricorn baby sits nicely with Will & Kate's respective Sun signs. Both parents are also born at eclipses - new and full Moons in Cancer respectively - and they may welcome a shyer, more laid-back child. Aquarius-Leo on the other hand is more in line with House of WIndsor tradition. The Queen has Moon in Leo, Charles has Leo rising, Princesses Anne, Princess Margaret and the Queen Mother were all Leo Suns. The Queen's father, George VI ('The King's Speech') had Jupiter in Leo on the midheaven, a classic royal signature that saw him take over the throne from his brother at at critical time. 

Moon in Aquarius on the other hand strays into Diana territory. This is not a Moon that sits well with tradition and precedent. This is a free-spirit who may take up the independent cause, after it skipped a generation with Will and Kate. Leo Sun with an Aquarius Full Moon is likely to be an individualist and possibly a reformer.

Venus also shifts signs today, but remains conjunct the royal star Regulus. This is clearly an auspicious placement, for what is essentially a PR role. The future King or Queen will meet and greet, shake hands and make people feel important. Good luck to him or her, Cancer or Leo. I have no great Royalist sympathies, but they probably pay for themselves, and better a family of unelected Windsors than a political dynasty of Blairs or Camerons.

PS - So the baby boy, as yet unnamed, is Cancer-Capricorn after all. Born 16:24pm local time, with 27 Scorpio rising.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Astroboogie Stars July 21st 2013

The Sun hits your sign and you showcase skills that let you shine. You take the spotlight, yet your goldmine lies in being a powerful player behind the scenes. The dynamic Mars-Jupiter duo gives you psychic energy and you work on your influence in the invisible world. Yoga, psychology, you name it, but feeling comfortable in your skin is where it is at. Enjoy the feeling of a guardian angel, and step up to that role for somebody close. Monday's Full Moon focuses on your relationships and you fall into a comfortable repartee. Financial affairs go sweetly when you settle for the most opulent choice.

Venus arriving your sign on Tuesday is a champagne moment and you give your word on a romantic proposition. You are smooth and in control, and part of you loves putting someone on a pedestal. It is fun to play this game but keep alive to reality. Keep a track of your spending - plugging the holes in your business is worth as much as a new income stream.
Your style is to keep everybody sweet, but now you have to make a decision. Smart Mercury goes forwards and you spring a surprise when you shoot for an alternative career. You take the initiative at work and a previously impossible path comes within reach. A behind-the-scenes liaison has a fantasy quality and you play the saviour figure on Saturday.
You walk a brave path and action today gets you there. Testing, taxing times at work lighten up and you appreciate the progress you are making. You are used to heading through the dark to reach the light. Keep believing and your world takes on a fantasy quality. Monday's Full Moon favours a family occasion and you deliver your verdict after thinking it through. 

Investigate a trip away or a long-term diet of mind-food. The Sun enters your travel and study zone on Monday and you are on familiar territory.  Stock elements in your world are overthrown and yesterday's risky strategy is tomorrow's refreshing change of pace. Climb the career totem pole and chemistry with somebody at the top separates you from the field.

Revert back to romantic Plan A and don't look back. Keep consistent in your course and a stellar relationship moves on to another level. You have excitement and generosity, wrapped up in a realistic package. At a time of rapid change, partnerships are your sure source of security. A crunch call comes by Saturday and your heart points the way.

Monday's Full Moon in your sign is an annual highlight and celebration is in order. Use the moment to take stock and you point of view comes across easily. Resistance from the boss melts away as you combine career strategy with everyday service. You overcome a rival with preemptive charm and a colourful character sheds light on a missing quality in your romantic world.

Your ethereal qualities are in demand and you are a genii in the lamp. You let people talk and simply reflecting back provides friends a magic mirror. Success in the everyday world sits perfectly with your visionary streak and you have a canny political touch. Doing things with two is a delight and Thursday's Pisces Moon is the parsley garnish on a historic stellar lineup. 

You have a mass of energy, if you are in the mood to use it. Mars, your rowdy ruler, is in an emotional oasis and you protect your turf with a passion. Prove to people there is more to you than just puppy-dog enthusiasm and you get beneath surface appearances. If you are not shocking people, something is amiss. Saturday sees your new incarnation come one step closer.

You confound expectations and showcase your futuristic side. Monday's Full Moon in your image zone brings your career to a peak and the personal touch gets you the gig. World-weariness is a passing phase, so make sure there is purpose behind your moves. Adversity brings out your best stuff. Easy charm doesn't desert you and a friend's offer of fun only needs one time of asking. 

Mercury, your ruler, moves forwards and you can sign up at the bank. Money flows around you, but smart decisions create a rainy day fund for the future. Leave room to donate to a perfect cause. Power meetings shape up on Saturday and you dig your heels in on a principle. Choose your interiors with confidence and a family powwow goes well when you nail the details.

Energy, pizzazz and ambition come together and your world is transformed. Your philosophical streak keeps affairs in perspective and you skirmish with a rival, assured of success. Monday's Full Moon lifts your mood higher and you dive into the deep end of your relationship. Affirmations work powerfully and you psyche yourself up for a sharp exchange on Saturday. 

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Astroboogie Stars July 14th 2003

Historic water-sign trines make order out of chaos
and the big picture is suddenly clear.

Your new-found optimism is an inspiration and an exciting offer comes from being upbeat. Mars, planet of passion, forms a double-act with wandering star Jupiter, giving you critical courage and energy. Theory and practice combine in your career, with a mysterious dash of imaginative flair. You've got it all. Still, wait until the weekend before putting pen to paper - action for its own sake upsets the balance. Saturday is stand-out and your assertive touch shows someone you know what you want. Love and career provide the friction, and an old flame still can't forget.

You are in forgiving mood and reconcile with an old friend.  'Get over it' is your credo and you have a generous heart to forget the past.  Volunteering for a cause brings a lift and you don't need stroking or star treatment. Still, make yourself visible on Wednesday and an innocent gesture puts you across in a stellar light.


A close partner offers way out and you try a different route in love. Neptune, planet of fantasy, sees you put on a pedestal, but you live up to the billing. The special aura you shine on someone has a miraculous effect. Saturday sees social plan A back on the table. and a delayed message lets you think your answer through. 

The standard romantic scenario doesn't measure up and you seek that missing element. Wayward Uranus sparks an attraction to an outsider and together you plot revolution. A boost comes to your career on Sunday and you step up and take full credit. An international contact makes the critical difference. 

You knuckle down and show everyone your stamina. It is daunting to turn your ship around in mid-ocean, but a morale-lifting compliment is perfectly timed. Lift your sights and there is magic in your fingers. Head honchos are open to your vision and Thursday's Scorpio Moon lets you spring an audacious request.

You are in lazy mood, just as inspiration strikes. Aesthetic Venus gives you style and flair and nobody can emulate your thrown-together look. You are thoroughly sated with your domestic scene and it's time for a forward move.  Saturday's Sagittarius Moon reveals a subtle touch as you tune into the group mind.

Somebody close is in provocative mood and is not to be deflected. Open your arms to them, even when your meister career-plan is shoved to one side. A old friend comes in peace and you get vital insight from comparing paths. Tune out messages from the rumour mill and the true story emerges by the weekend.

You are a square peg at work when everything is done by the numbers. Still, prove you can follow the regular route and the brass sees there is more to your repertoire. Wednesday brings new company and a world-saving cause to get behind. Friendly Venus inspires you make a visit you'd never stretch to on your own. 

Diverse strands of your world come together in perfect serendipity. Soup kitchen idealism meets stratospheric ambition and skilful contacts line your path. Dream work and affirmation have never been so easy and your life is a kind of prayer. Insist on your point of view on Wednesday and people are glad they follow your lead.

People are getting the real you at last, no matter how colourful your plans. Forget port-in-a-storm scenarios in work and love, an authentic Aries vibe is the only way ahead. Still, play it smart and keep friendly people inside the tent. Save a home-makeover plan for the weekend and you outstrip your initial fantasy.

A happy side-effect of low energy is you are careful how you spend it. Sober Saturn brings you up against the weight of authority and you rethink your whole campaign. Put emotion to one side on Wednesday and you make a perfect credible witness. Relating to the whole person brings an unexpected romantic epiphany.

People are talking in their own code and you can't get on to a level. Emotions have no boundaries, yet a friend insists on putting feelings first. Your artistic venture is suddenly viable and you see ways to make it pay. Stick with your guiding inspiration at work and Friday's generous gesture is returned with interest.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Andy Murray

Many of us thought we'd never see a British Wimbledon Champion, so a massive well done to Andy Murray. I remember vividly hearing breaking news of the shooting tragedy at Dunblane in 1996, and it is an incredible journey that Andy has traveled. It is routine to describe sportsmen as overcoming adversity, but a formative experience like that gives a certain perspective on life. The hand of fate touched him from an early age.

So where does he go from here?  At 26, he is at the peak of his powers and might add more majors to his name, starting with the defence of his US Open title in August. Jupiter currently transiting his 10th house shows a triumph and his higher-than-ever public profile. 

Moon conjunct Saturn-Uranus in his fourth house shows his influential relationship with mother Judy. A professional tennis coach in her own right, she seems to have been his rock, but one wonders what effect all that pushing has behind the scenes. Andy Murray has a nice understated humour, but he will surely have his grumpy moments. Pluto would also have been close to his IC, and transit Saturn in his 8th house at the time of the 1996 massacre.

In Andy's Jyotish chart, Leo lagna gives him a certain presence and many images depict him in lion-roaring mode. Jupiter in Pisces is strong and rules the fifth house of sports from the eighth. This may account for Andy's new found self-belief and will to win. He puts enormous effort into his physical conditioning, but this essential inner faith is the dividing line between a champion and the rest.

This chart is, if anything, even more adamant about Andy's mother. Moon in Scorpio associated with Saturn in the fourth, shows little happiness from the relationship, though an aspect from Jupiter lightens the load. In all, it describes a dutiful relationship, with a strong emphasis on discipline - and his Freudian slip in almost ignoring Judy in the aftermath of his Wimbledon win was revealing. 

Andy is coming towards the end of his Venus dasha, which rules his tenth house of career, from the auspicious ninth. The ninth house relates to gurus and Andy has been lucky - or deserving - in his coach and mentor, Ivan Lendl. The two appear to have a warm relationship. Venus also rules the third house of siblings and Andy's elder brother Jamie Murray is a tennis player and Andy's occasional doubles partner. Venus-Mercury antardasha brings in the second and eleventh houses, and money will be pouring in from his enhanced public image (Mercury in tenth). Already worth an estimated £20m, his new  status announces almost Beckham-esque earning potential.

Andy has entered his Sade Sati period, during which the next five years will be the peak of his career. Saturn ruling his marriage house may bring developments at the time of his Saturn return in 2016. We might also expect to hear more over this period about difficulties of his relationship with his mother, though career-wise he has plenty to look forward to. He enters his Sun dasha in late 2016, with lagna ruler Sun also in his tenth house. Perhaps this will be the moment he becomes 'Sir Andrew Murray'.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Astroboogie Stars July 7th 2013

Follow me on Twitter @AdamZodiac1 for updates and observations

Monday’s New Moon in Cancer gives you a head-start as you conduct a wholesale review. Relief comes into all areas of your life and the whirlwind sets you down in another place. Your mood is upbeat and you are welcomed into a gilded circle. A free-styling feel still pervades, and your challenge is to integrate an international flavour into your world. Still, avoid making a definitive move with Mercury, planet of the mind, still retrograde. A telepathic connection with someone close adds a romantic twist, and your generous gift strikes a chord. 

Venus, planet of fun, gives you the personal touch and you go the full twelve rounds for a friend. An aura of attractiveness envelops you and a change of scene adds a spark in love. Monday’s New Moon gives you insight and you are drawn to a maverick character. Sacrifice is not your style, but a selfless gesture gains you karmic grace.

Your take-charge style stands out at work and you forge a path to the top. Work on yourself - breaking an old habit sets you free, even when it seems a lost cause. A private meeting straightens things out in love, and someone outside your usual scope proves a surprise hit. Friday’s Virgo Moon is standout and your message comes across clearly.

Venus, your ruler, chimes with radical Uranus on Monday and you find that missing quality. No more wistful romantic thoughts, an unpredictable character gives you the magic frisson. Someone you never thought twice about before has a sudden allure. An old job offer comes around for a reprise and you have the goods now that fell short before.

You protest at carrying everyone's weight, but rewards come for being a central pillar. Sober Saturn moves forwards on Monday, just when you were ready to throw your hand in. Keep pushing and deciding what you don't want is as important as what you do. Win hearts and minds at work, and mixing equally in all company brings a dividend.

You finally fit that quirky person into your life. Venus and futuristic Uranus chime on Monday and you experiment in love while keeping your affable style. Old haunts and hangouts recede into the distance, but don’t waste time rueing the past. Look into business prospect and wait - a potential saving is better than a new income stream.

You are heads-down and fully focused, though your road ahead is anything but clear. Stay alive to innovation and don’t insist on your own point of view. An old partner appears by fate and gives you a window on the past. Monday’s New Moon spawns a nostalgic mood but appreciate how much you have in the here and now.

Compare notes with a forgotten friend who comes in from the cold. Just because everybody else conducts their affairs a certain way, you don’t have to follow suit. Sharing is a delight, even when romantic competition stirs in a party setting. Learning from the past gives your career a lift, as Saturn, your ruler, moves forwards at last.

Ignore pleas to get real and continue on your own path. Your visionary world-view is on a high and you are channeling artistic genius. Still, you have a canny outlook and know what success looks like in the end. Jupiter, your ruler, gives you a sure-footed gambler's touch and a philosophical partner puts meaning in your life.

Take the smart route to revolution and keep people onside. Charm counts for lots, and a friendly attitude makes a tough proposition suddenly easier. An unexpected ally understands your contrarian views and together you can take on the world. A property deal that promised much without delivering comes around for a second bite.

Siblings lighten the load and play a starring role in your success.  Reassess an old invitation and suddenly you are open to offers - a family occasion goes smoothly on Tuesday. Your energy is on a low flame, so tune out all but the strictly necessary. Red tape and officialdom drive you into the welcoming arms of a new career. 

Avoid action for action’s sake and make a plan that confronts old boundaries and rivals. Financial frustration at first paves the way to profit - stick with it. Monday’s New Moon sees a sentimental purchase, but be alive to the promise of a better deal. The phone number that falls out of your laundry carries hidden promise.