Late April sees the fifth in the series of seven Uranus-Pluto squares. It's progressive v. conservative, The People v. The Man, old versus new. Aries, Capricorn, Cancer and Libra birthdays around the 3rd of the given month will feel this most, but it affects us all. Jupiter in Cancer adds to the volatile mix and we'll see extraordinary measures resorted to to protect cherished beliefs and security. Fire signs get a boost with Jupiter hitting Leo in mid-July.
Saturn carries on its work in Scorpio all year and we'll see more fallout from sex and secrecy scandals. Water signs get the good stuff, even when they have to earn it.
Good news is Saturn's third trine with Jupiter in May, signalling a financial recovery, of sorts. Not for everyone of course, and we're not going back to pre-2008 prosperity just yet. But the boom-and-bust planets aligning suggest that things have at least stopped getting worse.
Someone said 2013 was a Friday the Thirteenth of a year, ironic considering the hype surrounding its predecessor. Wishing everybody a beautiful 2014, with love, peace, joy and enlightenment.
Finishing up and starting over, you look ahead to a wide vista. January 1st's New Moon is the perfect start to 2014, a powerful moment for your resolution. Decide what you want to embrace and what you need to eliminate, and make the transition quickly. A long-running career saga comes to a head and you choose a modern path over sticking with the status quo. Refine your style and keep your competitive instincts within limits - bite your tongue on Tuesday before blurting out an uncomfortable truth. A change of image works well for the coming year, but nothing too sudden or outre. Your relationships are a source of strength and enlightenment, and you tie up loose ends from the past. Venus, planet of love, retreats through your sign and revisiting an old flame gives insight into your present needs.
Planets bunched into your chart's quiet zone give you time to reflect. Read, edit and refine, and arrive at a new formula for an old idea. Still, there is turbulence below the surface and people wonder what you are dreaming about. The diet is a big theme for this time of year and you decide what to add and what to leave out. Friday's Aquarius Moon has you looking forward once again.
Visionary ideas are your staple diet to you and you outstrip your own extraordinary limits. Ruler Neptune gives you inspiration and a humanitarian streak to go with your dream. A thumbs-up from authority seems to restrict your freedom, but you can change the system by joining it. Investing in technology gives you an edge nobody sees yet. Put an idea to the group at Wednesday's New Moon.
Summit talks bring sudden change and you balance love and work. Mars, your ruler, collides with lively Mercury on New Year's Eve and you make a snap judgement. Know how to keep a secret and take a breath before setting a decision in stone. Aim high at home and ask for more than you usually expect. Whether moving home or refurbishing, your luck lies in setting a firm foundation.
Pressure mounts to make a decision and you are up to the task. A trip away fires your mind and wide reading gives you knowledge to draw on. Wednesday is D-day and an irrevocable choice comes from a mundane situation. A persistent goal that exceeds your grasp is asking you what you are working for. Your ruler Venus, retrograde, gives you a second chance on the international stage.
Deep discussion gets you into new territory and you dive into the big questions. Mercury, your ruler gives you structure, ambition and power, and research uncovers hidden information. You are fully engaged, but a sense of balance lets you play referee and peacemaker. A money-making scheme that was too ambitious first time presents itself again by Thursday. Accolades and acquisitions arrive at last.
Negotiations ensue before you move on with somebody close. Potent Mars compels you to come down off the fence and your message comes across clearly. Backing off has the effect of drawing an old relationship closer. Remember, you have extraordinary powers and an emotional ask is now within reach. Authority backs your hand, and work in your karmic account pays forwards.
Whipping yourself into shape comes easily and it's a perfect use of your time. A spectacular lineup in your work and health zone gives you stellar energy, and you mix energy with knowledge and willpower. Mind over matter sets you apart on Tuesday and kick-boxing is a perfect outlet. Project ahead and dream what you want in the best of all possible worlds. Your Utopia is coming.
You are one of the winners from midweek's tense planetary encounter. Mercury, your ruler, gets executive powers and your snap decision is backed by years of experience. Going beyond the obvious in conversation leads into deep waters. Your investment instincts are sound and a fleeting romantic moment has long-lasting resonance. An impulse buy satisfies an itch, but do you really need this thing?
Arms-length diplomacy gets you so far, but the time comes to get your hands dirty. Mars, planet of action, fires you up and a fellow free-thinker suits your taste in love. A three-way tug of war between work home and relationship springs sudden change heading into 2014. Think laterally, and reshaping your home revives your luck and invites people closer. Wait until Saturday to make your stand.
Time stretches long as you weigh work and effort. Saturn, planet of ambition, makes you build every brick of your personal monument and puts a hurdle or three in your path. Keep your focus and a faraway goal pulls gradually closer. Karmic credit comes to your aid and you make an inspired choice in business. Your statecraft is top-notch as you become a keynote figure in your field.
Dig you heels in on a purchase and haggle hard. Planets bunch in your finance zone and you make sure you get paid for your punditry. Jupiter, your ruler, is empowering in business and you let your personal boundaries down without fear. The virtual world is your friend as a digital gizmo comes into its own. Monday's Sagittarius Moon closes 2013 on a high and you have big skies to journey towards.