Friday, 10 August 2012

Cartoon Gravity: Saturn trine Neptune.  

In cartoon world, we know characters only fall off cliffs when they look down. Neptune is about belief, faith, naivety call it what you will. 'Whether or not you believe in what you're doing, you are right'. Some souls keep on believing in spite of any evidence to the contrary, deluding themselves more than anyone else. Still, the transformative power of faith is infinite and you can change any situation when you believe strongly enough. 

Gravity is a Saturnian issue which I covered in my book, Saturn, Fatal Attraction, under Saturn in Pisces (also see Saturn-Neptune section, The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea). Pisces is faith and Saturn is the anti-Neptune which knows you cannae change the laws of physics, Captain. Yet the challenge is not to overcompensate and become a pseudo-skeptic, disbelieving everything except your own prejudices. In fact, providence moves when you have a bold idea and back it up with action.

The delusional Neptunian is a stock astrological type, the Walter Mitty, hippy idealist with a tenuous grip on reality. Yet everything we do starts with a vision and even our craziest dreams are of utmost importance... which is what makes transiting Saturn-Neptune squares and oppositions so tough. There is a gothic, nightmarish quality to these transits which paints everything in the worst possible light, and we end up being afraid even to hope. People seek refuge in drugs, booze, bad religion and the dark places inside their own heads.

Even in the most challenging moments, we are sustained by a glimpse of possibilities, a belief to get us through the dark. "Where are we going, fellas?" "To the toppermost of the poppermost, Johnny", was The Beatles' bad-times mantra in their struggling dance-hall days. Fairytales are full of heroes and heroines who believe strongly enough in their dream to make it reality. This attitude is at the heart of the whole New Age project, successively rebranded as Cosmic Ordering, Creative Visualisation, the Power of Positive Thinking, or the original concept.... prayer.

October 5th 2012 brings us up to Saturn in Scorpio, trining Neptune in Pisces and the opportunity is to transform your world by believing. As much as hard Saturn-Neptune deals your dreams a blow, then trines, sextiles and certain conjunctions have a miraculous transformative quality. Plans come together by a kind of grace or serendipity, where it's obvious that the Powers understand your heart better than you do yourself. With Neptune in Pisces, the miraculous qualities of the group mind will be better understood, and harnessed on an organised, global scale. Astrology, properly used, has the  power to foresee misfortune and to ward against it. As Patanjali states in the Yoga Sutras: 'Heyam dukham anagatam' - the danger that has not yet come can be averted.