Thursday 11 December 2014


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personal/ Skype reading for 2015

Vedic Overview of 2015.
Saturn is in Scorpio for all of 2015, bringing the issues of that intense sign to the fore. Scorpio is Watery and Mars-ruled, making a complex brew of mystery, transformation, sex and war. We can expect all these issues to be refined and purged: you will have to go more slowly than you want and there is a push-pull feeling of the affairs of the Scorpio house in your chart. 'Make haste slowly', as the Alchemists say.

Saturn will also remain in Anuradha until December 27th 2015, a Saturn-ruled nakshatra in a Mars-ruled zodiac sign. Anuradha's deity is Mitra, who symbolizes the ability to form and maintain working or political alliances. There are connotations of peace after war, making truces, or a supportive relationship with an end goal. Saturn transiting here will test these issues, meaning we have to work harder at our diplomacy and establish new ground rules. We do not make peace with our friends, but with our enemies: some supportive unions may come to an end, or at least be transformed radically. 

Finding arrangements with people who share our common or political affiliations, or those we no longer see eye-to-eye with. This may bring a sudden change or awakening. We may find ourselves either on diplomatic overtime to keep the peace, or else looking for new friendships because we can't compromise. The house where Scorpio sits in your chart will tell you a lot about the specifics. 

 Mars transits will also be important with Saturn in Scorpio, and Mars is strong in Aries from March 24th to May 4th. This is a period to forge ahead and take chances, and personal transformation will come more easily. Yet this coincides with Saturn's retrograde period from 14th March to 1st August (and the Sun's exaltation from April 15th - May 16th), so there may be a 'driving with the brakes on' feeling. While you may wish to start a heroic, dragon-slaying quest, there will also be a desire to consolidate and tie off loose ends. Saturn retreats back to 4 Scorpio, so events from the end of 2014 will likely reappear in the news.

May 2015 sees the UK General Election, and the Saturn-Anuradha co-operation theme will be shown, especially if - as seems likely - there is another Coalition government. The rise of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) means the issue of unity within diversity will also dominate 2015, and Jupiter in Cancer will play to the patriotic vote.  This same energy will be evident aftermath of the Scottish Independence Referendum. Scotland voted narrowly to stay within the United Kingdom in 2014, though the repercussions of the election reverberate still. How much autonomy will Scotland have, what does Devo Max actually look like? 

Jupiter remains in exaltation in Cancer until July 14th - good news, and doubles all round. Jupiter represents knowledge, spirituality, prosperity and Dharma, and the Cancer house in your Jyotish chart will be boosted. In the sign of the home, Jupiter will also intensify the debate over Independence and national autonomy, as well as religious freedom. As world consciousness rises, the issue of national self-determination becomes ever more prevalent. Boundaries are coming down, while national and regional characteristics are becoming more pronounced.

'The world will become a beautiful mosaic of differences'.

The trine from Jupiter to Saturn will lighten the impact of the Scorpio/Anuradha energy. Jupiter is a sattvic influence, though in the serpentine Ashlesha nakshatra, it will also affect sex and psychology, a double-whammy of sorts. There could be high-profile sex scandals, or in our personal lives coming to terms with the energies we are putting out. Ashlesha also relates to drugs and pharmaceuticals, so we might see the anti-Monsanto movement gathering momentum, [though this is possibly wishful thinking on this author's part]. Let's also wish for positive treatment of diseases like AIDS, or Ebola (remember that?). 

Jupiter will be in its Gandanta portion from 1st July to 3rd August, the borderland between two signs and nakshatras. Classically, this represents a spiritual knot to be untied and an outstanding matter that must be addressed. Factors relating to emotional or financial security that have remained hidden may have their lids blown off, laying bare that which has simmered underneath. Events at this time may reflect the previous Jupiter Gandanta period at from November 3rd 2014 - January 12th 2015, where a karmic boundary was crossed. A hallmark of fate is where a recurring, seemingly innocuous event proves important and we are given a subtle but searching test. 

By July 14th, Jupiter moves into Leo and the affairs of the Leo house in your chart are lifted. This will be felt especially from 18th August to 18th September, with the Sun in its home sign. This is a time to shine, to show your confidence and authority, though you will still have to earn your stripes. The Jupiter-Saturn aspects are reversed, with Jupiter receiving rather than giving a glance to Saturn: no showboating here. We might see governments rowing back from changes they made in the first half of the year: liberal concessions give way to a conservative clampdown. 

Jupiter represents the father, husband and guru, so we might see change in outlook towards these roles, or secrets about teachers or paternal figures being unearthed. The fig-leaf of Jupiter trine Saturn is removed and replaced with Saturn square Jupiter. In the UK, celebrities have recently been convicted for historic sexual offences, and the same scrutiny is now being applied in the US to father figures like Bill Cosby, for one. Sexual mores of the past are being judged by today's standards and it is no defence to say "it was the 1970s/80s, so hey". 

Jupiter in Magha nakshatra has a special connection with royalty, and the Saturn aspect to it has a flavour of lèse-majesté. National leaders will need to be vigilant, and we may see revolutionary and anti-monarchist movements, motivated partly by the difference between public and private morality. This will be a reality check for any grandiose behaviour, both personally and in public life, and we will all have to up our game. This can be excellent if we are overly inclined to trust in providence, but the advice is: take advantage of the first half of 2015 and get into a good place.

The nodes, Rahu and Ketu transit across the Virgo/Pisces axis, bringing eclipses around those signs. The 'Vedic New Year' Moon on 20th March is a solar eclipse, followed by the lunar eclipse at Full Moon Hanuman Jayanti on 4th April. The corresponding eclipses happen in September on the 13th (Solar) and 28th (Lunar). Needless to say, the Virgo and Pisces houses in your chart will be affected, bringing sudden change and simply a different way of doing things. 



From a Western perspective, March 2015 sees the final Uranus-Pluto square in a series of seven since 2012. Noticed a few changes? This is an era-defining aspect and the tumult we have experienced with conservative v. radical, state v. street, online v. bricks & mortar, will finally fit into historical perspective. It's been emotional. 

This is a reflection of the 1930s Depression-era astrological energy and also the revolutions of the 1960s. The 60s generation born with a Uranus-Pluto opposition are now in power, and today's social forces will guide us towards greater personal freedom, with more focus on leisure and self-actualization. We are becoming more spiritual.

Venus retrograde between July 25th and September 6th is a once-in-twenty-months event that shows us a different side of our partners. It probably won't cause major changes to your relationship by itself, but it will make you think and work harder. Love is a flower that needs watering! Venus is conjunct Jupiter and square Saturn close to its retrograde point, which gives food for thought. Your partner won't put up with any grandstanding (neither will you) and somebody may issue an ultimatum. 

Mercury retrogrades
21st January to 11th Feb
19th May to 11th June 
17th September 9th October

Of these, the middle period May-June 2015 in Gemini may provide the biggest challenge. Still, Mercury retro offers opportunities too, so be on the lookout for a second bite at the cherry. 

2015 is a story of staying in control versus giving yourself freedom. Part of you wants personal power and to build your career, but another side of you needs to break out and be an original. Authority figures demand commitment, but you prefer to do your own thing in your own style. Sometimes you can do both, but this year you must have a personal revolution. You might shock a few people who thought they knew you.

Capricorns birthdays around 1st - 6th January especially are having control issues with the boss or boyfriend. You love a challenge and don’t mind aiming at an ambition that takes time to achieve. After August 10th you may be thinking about studying, or travel plans. Your mind turns to bigger questions and an new idea makes you want to investigate further. You might meet new people from a completely different background, or in a foreign country.

 October puts the focus on your home, especially at the big Eclipse on the 8th. Think carefully about any sudden changes at this point, and wait at least one week before acting on an impulse. An inspirational book gives you new ideas, and your beliefs about the world change. Forget old disappointments, and don’t waste time reflecting on the past or comparing yourself with other people. An ambition that has not worked out was not right for you, and you are meant for something better. How you feel as a person is all that matters. 

March 17th – May 12th is a good time to be positive and meet somebody new. You look good and feel confident, and the right kind of company surrounds you. A new romance starts on a fun level and it is easy to enjoy yourself.

June 25th – August 9th sees passion in your relationships, and things work smoothly when you keep busy. Arguments flare at home and work, but you have a passionate reconciliation to look forward to.  

The Capricorn Full Moon on July 2nd is like your second birthday. Make an extra effort on this day, throw a party and for sure you will be the centre of attention.

An old face returns from the past or a pattern in your relationships arises again, as if by fate. Either this, or you are drawn to somebody completely outside your usual type. It feels as if you both have lessons to learn from each other, but don’t go too far down a romantic path that is not meant for you. Resist the temptation to act too quickly.

The Aquarius New Moon on January 20th gives you a new start – target this date for an important ambition and a light a fire underneath a plan that didn’t come together before. This is the real start of your New Year. You also have the chance to reflect on your plans by February 18th. An idea that you thought was going to be the perfect answer to your image and ambitions might not have worked out. So at this date, you start again – and this time you win.

You discover who your real soul mates are, and feel less obsessed with pure career matters than in connecting with people over a shared interest and making the world a better place. Your lesson this year lies in joining in with a group, but not being defined by it. As an Aquarian, you pride yourself on being an individual at all times.

Look out also for sudden changes in your local area – you don't have to go far to find excitement close to home. Between January 13th and February 20th you may be making some impulse purchases, or spending money simply for its own sake. An artistic project may need some new tools or an investment of money to get it going.

Partnerships of all kinds work well up to mid-August and you open up to people without fear. Past hurts are put behind you and you start looking forward to meeting somebody new. A partner may become a kind of ‘guru’ figure with a special message and you share a journey of exploration. Good advice comes also from a friend or a professional counselor. After September, you may benefit from somebody else’s money or property. You might consider starting a small business.You are inclined to enjoy yourself rather than being very disciplined, but keep yourself in check, especially with the diet plan!

This is a good year getting on to a higher romantic level. Opportunities come, especially in the first half of the year and you are interested in anyone who has wide experience, an education and who has done a lot of travelling. You also need someone to make you laugh. The Aquarian Full Moon on July 31st is your time.

November and December see you striking a great balance between action and compromise. You can find somebody who hits all the right notes.

Pisceans (especially birthdays from February 25th to 2nd March) see the world in terms of colours and imagination this year, with an artistic sense that goes by pure instinct. You operate on this level most of the time, of course, but with whispery Neptune going through your sign all year, your Piscean qualities are magnified. You are even more empathic, more artistic and psychic. If you know something intuitively about a friend or a future situation, the chances are you are right. Still, it is good to talk about your feelings and to put them in some kind of perspective.

You know deep down what you want from life and love, but there may be times this year when it seems you cannot have it. The world seems tough and you long for an escape, so make sure you either have a good holiday, or else surround yourself with art and beauty. Maybe both! You may be sucked into a romantic ‘rescue drama’ , where a guy with personal problems just needs someone to love them. Save yourself the trouble and find somebody who meets you halfway.

Until August you may have luck in a mundane job that helps you find the career you are really looking for. It may not be the dream position straightaway, but it helps you position yourself where a new opportunity comes. From August to the end of the year, relationships take on a more in-depth side. The Pisces Full Moon on August 29th is a high-spot.

January and February see you looking good and being very active and energetic. Venus, planet of love is in your sign from January 28th to February 21st and you may spend a lot of time on your look, or no time at all, but either way you turn heads simply by walking into a room. Somebody from the past may return into your life at this point, or you call an ex for support, or more?

By the end of the year (November – December), the different sides of you clash. There is a sharp contrast between what is demanded of you at work and how you are in private. You are very soft and imaginative, and love art and movies and beautiful things, but you must forget all this while you climb the career ladder. 

A revolution is going on at home, at work and in your image. You embrace a wilder, freer look and refuse any limitations which seemed necessary only recently. Uranus, planet of rebellion, breaks your chains to the past and you love to confound everyone’s expectations, even people who thought you were safe and predictable! You will run into resistance, people who refuse to change, but you demand freedom at all costs. Aries birthdays 3rd-10th April feel this impulse especially.

At the same time, you make smart decisions and bring big changes in gradually and thoroughly. You plan for the long term and bosses are in tune with your ambitions – take advantage. The first half of the year especially - until August -  sees you thinking on a grand scale and winning out over those people who think you are only dreaming. Be careful with your indulgence – partying is good, but it leaves a legacy on your waistline. 

You will be restless and hard to pin down for anyone close to you. The second half of 2015 however, finds you in more practical mode, and an opportunity comes for you to provide a service. A temporary job gets you over a hurdle and you develop a new skill.

February 21st – April 1st is a great time for love and fun. You look great and know how to enjoy yourself. What you want is in tune with the moment and you can be spontaneous and lucky. April 18th brings in a new start, and the Aries Full Moon/lunar eclipse on September 28th is a turning point for your image. Roll with the changes and leave the past behind at this point.

November is a good time for partnerships, if a little feisty, where you find someone who is all charm. Take the initiative in true Aries style, and make sure you and your lover keep busy.

A period of testing comes to a close in 2015 and you move on more secure in your ambitions. If you have felt abandoned by your boss or close partner, and relationships have been hard work, then you have lots to look forward to. Shake off your tiredness and redefine your world based on success in a subject close to your heart. Some of the old relationship issues return between mid-June and mid-September, but you should find obstacles slowly melting away.

March 17th-April 12th is a good time for love and good looks. You feel like having fun and attract attention without trying. April 1st to May 12th is also your time of year, when you are energetic and fully focused. Take on a challenge at this time and prove you can make it on your own terms. This is also an excellent period to keep fit and whip yourself into shape.

Venus, your ruler is retrograde between July 25th and September 6th - this will show you an unexpected side of somebody close. You have reserves of willpower and don’t shy away from deep-down issues in relationship. By the end of the year your image may have changed radically, but you achieve it in a way that seems perfectly easy and natural.

May 18th is a turning point and a perfect time to audition a new look or ambition. A message from the past inspires a different approach to life and you make peace with an old desire.

By the end of the year, you replace careful steps with a more adventurous approach. You are doing well creatively and having fun takes on a life of its own. Jupiter, planet of expansion, gives you big ideas and you have the practical nous to turn them into reality. The Taurus Full Moon on October 27th is like your unofficial birthday.

Long-term partnerships change around this year and you look at love more seriously. Someone comes into your life as if by fate and together you make a statement of your relationship. You might be attracted to an older, influential person. Changes come at work too, and if colleagues block your ambitions you look around for something more rewarding. Pace yourself and don’t work too hard – a relaxing holiday is a must, even when you think you can’t afford the time. 

What you want at the end of 2015 won't be the same as you aimed for at the beginning. Through times when it seems forces are stacked against you, you discover your true gift and a sense of achievement.

April 12th – May 7th is a great time to dress up and look great. You accept an invitation you might otherwise ignore and are a perfect flirt when someone shows interest. May 12th to June 24th sees you acting on your plans, and while you may clash with people close to you, nobody is left in any doubt about your ambition.

June 16th is a key moment in the year where you move on with a new image and attitude. People find you more assertive at this point and are drawn to somebody who knows what they want.

August onwards puts the focus on your home life and there is a balance to strike with your big ambitions. September especially sees you appreciating personal security, though you are aiming for a glamorous career in the arts or media. Follow your heart, even when the role seems impractical or impossible. Take good advice in mid-September especially, when a job offer seems too good to be true.

Be nice to yourself and you close the year on a high, with a combination of energy and smart planning. The Gemini Full Moon on November 25th is a day to mark in your diary.

You are moving on from a period of stability and enjoy your new-found status. Deep partnerships are in order and you break down the boundaries between you and somebody close. Power and control issues arise, both romantically and in business. Somebody is trying to keep the upper hand and they hide behind a secret. It may involve a complete restart, breaking down how you relate to each other and starting again. Focus on yourself, however: you can't control what other people think or do.

You also embrace a new career and public image, something very different. It may take a shock to break you out of your old routine, but you are ready for the challenge. You demand freedom at work, either independence in your given role, or else a total break and running your own business. 

January and February see love and flirtation. You might meet somebody on holiday, or hit a close emotional level very quickly. January 5th’s Full Moon is a perfect start to the year and January 21st sees somebody return from the past.

May 8th – June 6th sees good times, though you have to balance your social life with your work. The people you hang out with after hours are very different to your office friends. You create two different looks to suit both sides of your life.

The Cancer New Moon on July 16th is a fresh start and you prepare to reconsider a romantic proposal. You see a new side of somebody, though it has been there all the time.

Brothers and sisters may play a part in your success later in the year. The eclipse on September 28th sees a triumph in your work that sets you free afterwards. November and December see you focusing on home life, an area close to your heart. You have fantastic imagination and dream up a stunning new interior.

2015 sees a great period of expansion, with big ambitions and solid gains. Jupiter, planet of good fortune, is in your sign until August 11th and even if nothing exciting happens, you feel good inside. You have faith in the future and people like your positive outlook. Plan ahead and you make smart choices, backed up by people in authority. The success of your efforts will be known later in the year, but well begun is half done.

At the same time you free yourself of old limitations and show everyone your quirky interests and image. You bring in the new smoothly and easily, and an independent idea allows you to be yourself without compromising. Be bold!

Your love life stops and starts in January and you may try again with somebody more than once. Leo Full Moon on February 3rd is time to party and you will know what is in your heart by February 18th. Generally this year, you strike a chord with anyone who is ready to go against the flow.

Venus, planet of love, has an extended stay in your sign between June 6th and October 8th. This is an important phase for your romantic affairs where you discover what you want – and what you don’t want. Hang out in different circles, but don’t rush into an affair, and learn to see the whole person.

October is an important month for your money – you are earning it and spending it just as quickly. See if you can revive an old outfit or put an old phone or computer back into service. Keep faith in your plans at the end of the year. There is a clash between your imagination and the demands of your job and relationship, but in reality you can have both.

Your home life is top priority this year and you are looking to find a secure base. This may mean moving more than once, or dealing with issues before you can put down roots.  Where you live may clash with your work and you have to find a compromise solution. The boss puts pressure on you to perform and you have to work harder just to keep up.

Your luck hits home by mid-August, however. Challenges at the start of the year become a source of strength, and energy you put into your ambitions comes back double-bubble. Think big, and optimistic vision you have now is close to your real truth. 

February is important for your love life and you do lots with two people - sharing is a joy. Leave major decisions until after February 12th and ask a friend to advise you. The Virgo Full Moon on March 5th is your time to shine.

You are in romantic mood through the whole year and there is a compromise between your identity and the other people in your life. You are tempted to ‘rescue’ somebody who has problems and you think just needs a bit of love. Be careful of spending time and energy on a  partner who gives big promises but is just a pretender.

You are full of vigour and energy in October and deal with obstacles that have held you back. You are also having fun and October 17th is a glittering romantic occasion. This is a perfect time to create a new image that nobody can copy.

Relationships are a big thing for you as a Libran, and this year you see changes. You want freedom and excitement with someone completely different, and you don’t mind springing a few surprises. If your relationship has become samey or predictable you will make a sudden move, even when your partner suspects nothing. 

Changes at home also make their presence felt and you are in a battle of wills with the people you live with. You can transform the place you are living, yet you may have to argue with family members to get there. Yet you are also making good decisions, balancing experiments with the real world.

February 20th – April 1st is a time for romantic adventures and making clear what you want from a partner. You are good company and dress to attract attention, and March 4th and also the Libra Full Moon April 4th are stand-out lucky dates.

May sees good chemistry with your boss and you make a good impression at work. Still, you demand to do things your own way. Your social circle also proves important in 2015 and you discover something new about an old friend. You rethink your friendship through July 25th to September 6th, and relating to somebody differently teaches you something new about yourself.

November 9th – December 5th sees people taking notice of you, even when you don’t try. You are full of natural charm and don’t realize the impact you are making. Your energy is on a high until the end of the year and nobody can stand in your way.

You leave big lessons behind you this year and feel a weight has been taken off your shoulders. How nice that everything isn't down to you anymore. Move forwards with your new-found experience and remember what life was like before everything got so serious. Mid-June to mid-September brings reminders of past duties and unfinished business at work, but after this, life is forward all the way.

Be ambitious up to mid-August, and there is the prospect of travel through your career. Your relationship with people at the office is good and somebody important wants to help you. Writing, legal matters, publishing and teaching especially are all looking good.

Security is on your mind and you discover a lot about how to make your money go further. Don’t go crazy with your spending, but buy the best when you have to.  The Scorpio Full Moon on May 4th is a time to celebrate.

March 17th to April 1st sees you teaming up with people, finding new love, or simply expanding your social life. You create romantic ripples, though there is romantic competition when you and a friend are both interested in the same person.

Take advantage of your artistic gifts all year and you create a magical image all of your own. Art, music and dance all add spice to your life, and you also find a special rapport with young people. September sees a tempting offer from a friend, but make sure your answer is based on the facts.

November 11th sees a fresh start for your plans, and Venus in your sign through mid-December finds you feeling more attractive than ever.

This is the time when you start making your big plans work. Saturn, planet of ambition, sorts out reality from fantasy, in love, work and travel. Keep your spirits up at all times and realize it may take longer to make your dreams come true. Still, pace yourself and have a holiday somewhere sunny, even when the demands and deadlines pile up.

You mostly go by the conventional route this year, working steadily. But you can also break out of your usual style and prove you are ready for adventure. A radical new image comes together easily and you are a fashion leader without even trying. Taking a lifestyle risk proves safer than sticking to what you know, and you don’t need to gamble.

Up to mid-August you are in a typical Sagittarius, freedom loving space. Prospects for travel and mind-expansion open up and your love of study introduces you to new faces. From August 11th to the end of the year, you are lucky at work and promotion arrives.

April 12th to May 8th is a good time for love and you find somebody wanting to get close to you. You like anybody smart who can make you laugh, and even a romantic argument finds a good conclusion. June 2nd is the Sagittarius Full Moon, a perfect day to be the centre of attention. Your plans are accepted easily on this day, so take the lead.

November and December see a contrast between fantasy and reality. December 11th brings a new start and you know what to work for and what to leave behind.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Shubh Diwali!

Diwali, the Vedic Festival of Lights occurs at the New Moon in the lunar month of Kartika. It symbolizes the new year and the triumph of light over darkness, and this year falls on Thursday 23rd October. For those of us living in the Frozen North (aka, London) it is a very welcome celebration, just as the clocks go back and we're plunged into darkness.

This is traditionally the most auspicious time of year to worship Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. If you wish to manifest your desires for the coming year, clean your home, light diya lamps filled with ghee and, after a bath, chant Lakshmi mantras. A picture or statuette of Lakshmi is often beneficial: puja materials are obtainable from many Indian supermarkets at this time of year. It is best to use a mantra that you have been given personally by a teacher, but rather than choose one randomly (with faulty pronunciation) the next best thing is to listen. 

The above chant is Sri Suktam, a famous Sanskrit hymn in praise of Mahalakshmi, from the Rig Veda. In 16 verses (slokas), Lakshmi is addressed as the bestower of fame and abundance in the form of gold and food, and entreated to banish her sister Alakṣmī, who is associated with need and poverty. The English translation is given.
This year the Diwali New Moon happens to be a partial Solar Eclipse, which occurs at 09:45pm GMT, in the constellation of Chitta. Eclipses are especially auspicious times to perform chanting and puja.

I personally will be attending Diwali celebrations at the the Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in north London:


Monday 6 October 2014

Mercury Retrograde/ Buddha Vakra October 2014

So Mercury is retrograde until Saturday 25th October. You will probably already have noticed a few events going askew and reminders from the past cropping up. Retrogrades occur when a planet is closet to the Earth, so as well as the familiar horror stories, there is also scope for extra focused energy. 

This period can be difficult, no question, but it is bad use of astrology to 'avoid' it altogether. Take care before handing cash over, and instead use the time to window shop and become an expert on the goodies you're looking for. In the end, your investigations may come to nothing, or you forget about a particular purchase, but you may also find a golden nugget of information. 
Check all your email folders for missing messages and look for old numbers and business cards. Even a computer crash or lost documents can be enlightening if you have to look more closely into the matter and find a new workaround. 

Sports fans and politics watchers will see the managerial and ministerial merry-go-round in full swing. Someone who has survived the dreaded 'vote-of-confidence' may be dispensed with, while a face from the past returns to complete their mission. There is scope for redemption under Mercury retro, and while anything enacted under its imprint may take longer, the extra effort is usually worth it.

In sidereal Libra, there may be emphasis on relationships until Friday 17th - reconnecting with an ex or simply hanging out with old friends. After the 17th, Mercury is in exaltation in Virgo, so it's a great time to find precision, if not perfection, in your communication. A golden opportunity that you let slip in September comes around for a second bite. 

Monday 29 September 2014

'Riot Club': David Cameron & UK Election 2015

Powerful yogas in David Cameron's chart show how he rose from back-bench obscurity to lead the Conservative Party, and then on to become Prime Minister. Despite his privileged background, he was very much the outsider when the Tories chose their new leader in 2005. In ancient times, as today, it was the leader who was able to sway the masses with oratory who became King. Witness Barack Obama's rise in the USA, based largely on stirring rhetoric.

Cameron's 9th Ruler Venus forms a powerful link with friend Saturn, ruler of the 5th house of statecraft, on his 1st-7th axis. Significantly, he became Prime Minister during his Venus-Saturn period in 2010, as transit Saturn also crossed his ascendant. Venus in lagna, despite its debilitation, is strengthened by a Parivatana yoga with chart ruler Mercury in Libra. Cameron first caught the nation's eye in a televised debate with other Tory contenders, with Mercury in the 2nd giving him a notably smooth and articulate voice. 

Venus dasha has done well for Cameron, clearly. He went from his pivotal Venus-Saturn period to Venus-Mercury in February 2011, triggering the karma-dharma adhipati yoga between the 9th and 10th rulers. He came to power with the UK in the grip of an historic recession and started a program of drastic spending cuts. A Labour government might have sold this policy more readily, but the Tories had a political problem, especially with a cabinet full of old-money Etonians. Yet he was able to govern relatively unchallenged, due largely to his fortunate astrology.

Private wealth is also shown in Cameron's chart, along with an advantageous marriage. Exalted seventh ruler Jupiter joins Moon in its own sign in the 11th house of revenue. Samantha Cameron comes from an even wealthier and more aristocratic background than him. Despite sixth-ruler Saturn placed in the seventh with a stressful aspect from Mars, this Moon-Jupiter signature would strengthen any relationship, financially and emotionally. 

So he has ridden an astrological wave, despite being seen as a relatively characterless, identikit posh Tory. He has presided over a coalition government in times of austerity, and the country is now held - by some - to be heading towards financial recovery. Next February, however, sees Cameron hitting his Sun mahadasha, which brings an altogether different tone. 

Intriguingly, this coincides with a UK Election year, with the country going to the polls in May 2015. Sun is Cameron's 12th house ruler, not an auspicious signature for a leader. Placed in 1st house shows his outwardly confident, some would say bullying style, but it may also conceal hidden weaknesses. Any skeletons in his closet will likely come out during Sun's period, especially with Mars also in the 12th. Perhaps exploits from his 'Riot-Club' past at the Bullingdon?

Bullingdon Club in 1980s, Cameron 3rd left, Boris Johnson seated with umbrella.

Cameron will not have the same luck as 2010, even though he does not presently face strong opposition. Labour leader Ed Milliband is perceived to have a charisma problem, while the Tories' coalition partners the Liberal Democrats have not enhanced their appeal in power. If the UK's slow recovery continues, people may simply look to the bottom line and vote for Cameron as the least-worst option. 

Yet even if he triumphs again, his second term will be rockier than his first. Lagna flanked by Mars and Ketu shows delicate health, exacerbated by a direct aspect from 6th house ruler Saturn. Saturn also aspecting its enemy Sun is also not promising for Sun period. The Tory Party is notoriously ruthless with its leaders, and Cameron's enemies this time are more likely to come from within his own camp - might we finally see a challenge from his ambitious fellow Bullingdon Club old-boy Boris Johnson?

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Happy Days: Six strong planets this weekend.

There's been a lot of negative press about over the summer, with hideous images splashed over the front pages of the papers and the world apparently falling to bits. Especially shocking considering this is traditionally 'silly season', when politics is on recess, everyone is on holiday and non-news hogs the headlines.

Ironic in light of the amazing lineup of planets this coming weekend, September 14-15. No fewer than 6 planets are in either their own sign or exaltation: Sun in Leo, Moon in Taurus, Mercury in Virgo, Mars in Scorpio, Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Libra. Rahu's exaltation is a controversial topic, but in Virgo it sits well at very least. Even the odd planet out, Venus, is strengthened by its dispositor, Sun.

Jupiter and Saturn are still aspecting each other in their respective exaltations, a situation we have not had since 1955. This is a very auspicious time for new plans and projects. Make a resolution and the power of the planets will support you.

Babies born at this time will have extraordinary potential. At a time of rising consciousness, the new generation come into the world when the time is right, ready attuned to higher knowledge. 


Monday 11 August 2014

Saturn: Myth and Mind Level

Saturn is in its sidereal exaltation in Libra until November. Some thoughts on his influence from my book Saturn, Fatal Attraction

Western astrology takes its symbolic cues from ancient Greece and Rome, but the motifs of Saturn have parallels in myths from all over the world. For example, Saturn has a great deal in common with the Yogic concept of Maya. Maya is the interplay of the whole material world, which at the most exalted spiritual level is realised as illusory. Buddhists may recognize this as pure Mind; an objectified cosmic dream, which ultimately is only dispelled by reaching Enlightenment. Perhaps it is unfair to saddle any one planet with this burden, but Saturn is the ruler of base materialism and the temporal world. This is consistent with the portrayal of Maya as the trickster who ensnares us in his web and the personalised Biblical representation of the Devil himself. Eastern philosophy says that the appearance of Maya is due to ignorance, which is in turn the ultimate cause of suffering. The level of understanding at which we perceive Maya determines the extent to which it is real. So at last, the world is pure ideal, but few of us live from day to day at this supreme level.

Saturn, in either his natal or transiting position brings us up against apparent obstacles and frustration, but like the experience of Maya, these boundaries are in fact only provisional. We give Saturn’s shadowy limitations greater substance to the extent that we identify and run away from them. The restrictions of fate and time are relative, and by working positively and facing the challenges, a man eventually makes himself free of Saturn’s bonds. A stressfully aspected natal Saturn is one that cannot operate without a certain amount of adjustment, which makes effort more intimidating, and results take longer to achieve. But working at Saturn in any condition is never time wasted. Ensnaring ourselves in a tangled, tenuous world on the other hand, around the refusal to recognise the consequences of our own behaviour, is the worst possible approach, as is illustrated by the myth of Saturn-Chronos.

To recap: The Greek Saturn, Chronos, took his mother Gaia’s part against his tyrannical father, Uranus, the Sky God. Using the sickle given to him by Gaia, Chronos castrated his father and usurped his title King of the Gods. Chronos then held supreme power, though with his head lying uneasily for constant fear that someone would in turn overthrow him. He proceeded to eat all of his children to prevent a celestial palace coup, which did not endear him to his wife Rhea, who hid their son Jupiter until he was strong enough to stand up to the old man. Young Jupiter then brought his father’s fears crashing back to him by seizing power, banishing Chronos to the earth and establishing himself as the Olympian King.

A good story, but what does it all mean? There are many interpretations, among which the idea of the ‘Sins of the Father’ is instructive. Saturn hated his father and rebelled against him, yet he re-enacted the same pattern with his own children, with the same disastrous consequences. Whether it is a strictly fated occurrence, or a product of environment and conditioning, how often do people fall into exactly the parenthood traps that they vowed never to repeat? Or, like Chronos, they feared their own parents and feel it incumbent to ensure that their own children are frightened of them. On a more esoteric level, karma is in fact handed down through bloodlines. When a father dies, the unresolved karma from his last lifetime is passed on to the next available material vessel, his children. 

Pandits performing a Saturn puja 

The myth also says something about Saturnian ambition and his willingness to take responsibility: Chronos decided that something needed to be done about Uranus and at the same time, saw an opportunity to make something of himself. This is characteristic Saturn-influenced behaviour. Saturn defines himself in terms of status or standing, and will go to great lengths to accomplish his goals. It does not always mean taking such large risks as Chronos, but opportunism is a big motivation. Once a man has arrived in a position of authority, he may become a beneficent boss, or an overbearing despot. Either he helps others get along, or pulls the ladder of opportunity up after him, for fear of being emulated or overtaken. The wise Saturnian chief realises the karmic consequences of his actions and that by helping others he helps himself. As the I Ching says, ‘To rule truly is to serve’.

Chronos’s attitude towards his children also illustrates the Saturnian propensity to hate or reject the things that we have created. People also hate the things that they fear, so Saturn frequently represents a fear of creativity or self-expression. We wish for a lasting legacy through our Saturnian effort, but the struggle to give birth to an idea, career, or any attainment at all has been so difficult that we have little subsequent love for it. Likewise, once Saturn has transited a natal house, we are heartily sick of its mundane affairs for a long time afterwards.

Most of all, though, the myth of Chronos depicts Saturn’s capacity for projection through fear. Saturn toppled his own father, which means someone will topple him and at some guilty, half-conscious level he knows it. He tries to avoid his fate by controlling his environment, and becomes a tyrant in the same way as his father. If he had been a more modern parent and perhaps talked to his children instead of eating them, Chronos may have remained King, but perhaps even Gods have their high-level karma to live out. Fear manifests itself, and the steps Chronos took to avoid his fears only set up the inevitability of them coming about.

Psychologically speaking, it is common to see Saturnian problems on the birth-chart mirroring the mythic Chronos and stemming from negative projections about the world that become cruel self-fulfilling prophecies. This is classic Saturn in his archetype as the Devil or trickster. The stratagems and mechanisms used to avoid the perceived pain and problems of Saturn, as represented by his sign, house and aspect, appear to be the very things that bring them about. Avoidance of Saturn, or of fate if we prefer, eventually leads to a degree of overcompensation, and here we are caught in the very behaviour we are most afraid of. Saturn causes most hardship when acted upon, or reacted to out of fear, and while we may experience difficulties in any case, looking at Saturn as if through the gaps in our fingers virtually guarantees we bump into every possible obstacle. The image of fate is like being pursued by a speeding train: we can run away for a while, but it will surely catch up and it is much easier if we simply jump aboard. The changes will happen anyway.

To use a very simple example, people with Saturn in Pisces or perhaps the Twelfth house ouhouare said to be afraid of institutions and confinement. So they may refuse a doctor’s appointment if there is the slightest fear they will have to go to hospital. This continues until it becomes absolutely imperative they be committed, where they end up spending far longer than if they had been checked out at the first sign of trouble. Or take the individual with Saturn in Aries who is frightened of asserting himself. He fears that nobody will like him, yet he manifests this fear and becomes unpopular by boorishly overcompensating for his natural reticence. There are numerous mundane examples of this Saturnian projection: people carry guns or knives for fear of meeting somebody else as paranoid as themselves. In political life, a government’s defence budget is in direct proportion to the amount of fear prevalent in the world. Yet the more arms are created, the more the sum of global anxiety increases. There is a fine line between facing fear and the sense of hubris and reckless overcompensation that are its opposites.

Saturn’s tale is set against the backdrop of his father and his children, but echoes of the myth are not restricted solely to family scenarios. People coming up the hard way in their career often achieve success through precisely the early privation and lack of emotional stroking signified by Saturn. ‘Sweet are the uses of adversity’ perhaps, except the fruits are often rather sour. A chip on the shoulder, perhaps in the form of a prominent square or opposition to a personal planet, provides the future Saturnian big shot’s incentive for success. Using his discontent for positive motivation is very well, except the sense of perpetual grievance may remain even after he has ‘made it’. Upon arrival in the Promised Land, the thrusting Saturnian type turns the tables on his former oppressors, which in his distorted reckoning includes almost everyone, by way of projecting his shadow outwards. Nobody is left in any doubt who is the new boss. If he becomes a truly tyrannical figure, he may set himself up for a fall after the fashion of Chronos, but this is of course Shadow-influenced behaviour at its very worst. Difficult natal aspects from Saturn need not manifest this fully-blown megalomaniac sense, but Saturn’s myth merely provides a cautionary tale of behaviour to guard against.

There is a kind of reverse sympathy at work here – a fatal attraction or unsympathetic magic that determines that a man’s unconscious, unwanted scenarios get played out despite himself. No matter how unfashionable or unpalatable, there is a suggestion that the experimentation undergone through Saturn’s lessons cannot be completely avoided. We are all conditioned by karma to some extent. While confining him to the closet merely means that Saturn is expressed in a negligent or unwitting way, if Saturn signifies fated occurrences and work that has to be done, then there is nothing to be gained by trying to avoid the issues that he represents on the birth-chart. Boundaries and hard work are necessary elements to life too, and evasive manoeuvres usually mean the portal door swings back doubly hard on the rebound.