Saturday 9 November 2013

Weekly Stars November 10th 2013

Mercury goes direct, make your mind up time is over.

An eventful spell lands you in a quite different place to only a week ago. Mercury in Scorpio moves forwards and you are ready to commit to an audacious scheme that has been through different incarnations. Keep your eyes on the road, despite an emotional breakthrough, and you are better off free of an outworn commitment. A touch of magic comes into your thinking and gets you around literal-minded types who insist on protocol. Still, somebody connects on an artistic level and you express the intangible with precision. Be romantic and paint a picture with words. Mars, your ruler, is in practical shape midweek and you take charge of your team.

You have a taste for the finer things and shape up for a big financial score. Maintain five-star service at work and mastering technology comes to your rescue. You suspect you are being played, but Tuesday sees your emotional radar confounding someone’s stereotypical view. Tapping into shared resources boosts your business case.

A partner lightens your career obsession and together you do better. Sociable Venus gives you the personal touch and an inclusive attitude supplies a missing link. Still, your romantic intensity makes a power struggle when one side wonders about commitment.  Part of you is ready for undying vows, but part reserves the right to stay free.

Appreciate that others share an emotional level and you have to adjust. There is a clique at the office, but you are smart to stick to your own speciality. You know your business, even when some people question your savvy. Sunday’s Aquarius Moon gives your spirits a lift and committing to a cause is a relief from the valley of indecision.

Adding romance to reality is your stock in trade and you work around a pushy partner. An unglamorous path to the top gets you there just as quickly, and you get kudos for simply turning up. Bosses are receptive to your plans and you are a star without even trying. Monday’s Pisces Moon tips the balance your way for every kind of request.

People in power have a magnetic effect and you are drawn into a political game. Decide which you want most: freedom or control. Try tempting somebody around to your views and you bond in a taste for the outre. Mars, your ruler, masters you brief and Wednesday finds you on persuasive form. Putting down roots gives you more than you bargain for.

Uproar in your personal life gives way to calmer waters. It’s hard to make arrangements when someone shift positions, yet now you can fix to your target. You sense subtle undercurrents and finally move on to another love lesson. Deep intensity on Thursday gets you under the surface of an affair, and you tease a friend out on a touchy issue.

Your dream career feels like it has no connection with the real world. Yet ruler Mercury and fantasy planet Neptune sing midweek and someone is receptive to your vision. Share your ideas and connect hearts and minds. A financial cushion gives you space for meaningful living, and your stock expands to match your charitable moves.

A delayed creative decision comes down and you make a sacrifice for your art. Your grasp of details combines with natural flair, and a technical task comes together easily. Sweet-talk a passionate partner and work around somebody who tries to exert control. A sudden change of heart on Friday is allowed as you find a more exciting Plan B.

A family member gets off the fence and at last you can plan ahead. Your domestic scene changes as you revert back to your first love. A costly outlay shows commitment, but an old gadget can still be pressed into service. Your desire for freedom on Thursday is trumped by an intense partner who keeps your focus on the here and now. 

You are in high-achieving mode and make up for a recent uncertainty principle. Nail your colours to the mast and keep people onside at the same time. By Wednesday your energy is cresting and a sociable feeling takes over the work-first agenda. You meet an overbearing deadline and a sympathetic touch wins payback down the line.

You tiptoe around a relationship summit meeting, but the moment of truth is here. Venus, your ruler, gives you real-world moves and you weigh love versus political clout. Wrestle back control even when part of you wants an all-new romantic scene. A financial wheeze comes together after you size up alternatives, and a long term scheme is best.


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