Saturday 3 August 2013

Weekly Stars August 4th 2013

New Moon in Leo - a touch of grandeur brings a stalled project to life.

Tuesday’s Leo New Moon turns a page and everything from here is a plus. Your restless feelings are channelled into a creative meisterwork and movement comes from a project that sceptics once sniffed at. Persistence is king when you cross swords with bureaucrats, and sheer force of personality wins the day. Suggest a switch of venues on Sunday and a social turns into a meeting of minds. The Sun is resplendent in Leo and simply showing up turns an event into an occasion. Hold your nerve on Friday as studious Mercury hits your sign – you insist on your point of view, but others have contributions to make. Private time in wise company is a joy.

A feeling of ease pervades and you prove you can do fun-first. People relax in your company and you accept an invitation that slipped to the back of the pile. Your image is composed with the minimum of effort and your energy crests by Friday’s Virgo Moon. Give your partner super qualities they may or may not have, and watch them live up to the compliment.

Flattery is your line of least resistance, but people want facts and figures. Venus, your ruler, is in hiding and you work twice as hard simply to keep the peace and pace. Work is where you excel and a dynamic campaign when the mood is upon you makes an unassailable position. Protect your platform and a delayed injection of family funds comes down the pipe.

Your game face is on and everyone knows how much you want it. Sober Saturn in your sign picks up loose ends and you leave no ambition without a world-record attempt. Still, it’s not all teeth-clenching commitment and an element of grace lifts you to another working level. An unlikely candidate lifts your mood and romantic chemistry stirs on Monday.

‘Something will happen’ is your mantra and you cling on in fervent belief. Make tiny inroads and keep your eyes open for new leads. Jupiter, your ruler, gives you business savvy and taking a punt on a new investment proves your worth to head-hunters. Sunday spells fun in your ragged company and a creative coup comes from going against the flow.

Prune negative elements of your world and pour energy into your love life. A fanatical partner keeps their foot to the floor and you are swept along on a romantic tide. Pause for breath and your diplomatic powers frame a delicate question. Keep patience on Sunday as frayed nerves make a slip of the tongue. A family occasion has an unexpected twist.

Tuesday’s New Moon highlights your partnerships and you understand now what was missing. You are attracted to smart company and a take-charge figure with a bit of pizzazz. Higher-ups at work take you over the hurdles, but this test is your chance to shine. Donating to a cause gives you a warm feeling, but check your funds end up where they should.

Doing things with two makes the difference and you spot a gap in the market. An eagle-eyed partner pulls you out of a lazy routine and you are generous enough to thank them. Still, steely purpose sits under your surface calm and you don’t settle for peace at any price. Simmer down for the weekend by Friday 9th and your love of imagery wins garlands.

Stick to your rebel’s stance for long enough and people start taking notice. Sunday brings an influential voice onside and you make a sea-change in your chosen field. Deviant planet Uranus breaks up routine for its own sake and your life is a sincere but contrary cry from the heart. Get your message across after Friday and mental power beats all-out muscle. 

You are taking heat and it seems nobody understands. A sense of perpetual deadline bears down and your ambitions take a 180 degree about-turn. More haste, less speed. Venus, your ruler, lets you negotiate and compromise is not the same as surrender. A sibling has words of advice at a family summit meeting on Saturday 10th.

Your idea are wrapped up in emotion and you feel more than speak. Security comes first. Generous Jupiter and potent Pluto go head-to-head, and you scan the fine print to decide what belongs to who. Dig your heels in by Friday and a firm plan takes the place of vague sentiment. Your art takes on a serious side, and learning a new dance-step gets you noticed.

An oasis in the desert, respite after life in the tumble-drier. Make the most of Jupiter, planet of growth and healing, and hitch your wagon to a star. No sense thinking small. Bosses are open to your thinking, and you deliver on time and in budget. A ex-partner is shadow of the past and you file for psychic separation before someone new fills the gap. 

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