Tuesday 9 July 2013

Andy Murray

Many of us thought we'd never see a British Wimbledon Champion, so a massive well done to Andy Murray. I remember vividly hearing breaking news of the shooting tragedy at Dunblane in 1996, and it is an incredible journey that Andy has traveled. It is routine to describe sportsmen as overcoming adversity, but a formative experience like that gives a certain perspective on life. The hand of fate touched him from an early age.

So where does he go from here?  At 26, he is at the peak of his powers and might add more majors to his name, starting with the defence of his US Open title in August. Jupiter currently transiting his 10th house shows a triumph and his higher-than-ever public profile. 

Moon conjunct Saturn-Uranus in his fourth house shows his influential relationship with mother Judy. A professional tennis coach in her own right, she seems to have been his rock, but one wonders what effect all that pushing has behind the scenes. Andy Murray has a nice understated humour, but he will surely have his grumpy moments. Pluto would also have been close to his IC, and transit Saturn in his 8th house at the time of the 1996 massacre.

In Andy's Jyotish chart, Leo lagna gives him a certain presence and many images depict him in lion-roaring mode. Jupiter in Pisces is strong and rules the fifth house of sports from the eighth. This may account for Andy's new found self-belief and will to win. He puts enormous effort into his physical conditioning, but this essential inner faith is the dividing line between a champion and the rest.

This chart is, if anything, even more adamant about Andy's mother. Moon in Scorpio associated with Saturn in the fourth, shows little happiness from the relationship, though an aspect from Jupiter lightens the load. In all, it describes a dutiful relationship, with a strong emphasis on discipline - and his Freudian slip in almost ignoring Judy in the aftermath of his Wimbledon win was revealing. 

Andy is coming towards the end of his Venus dasha, which rules his tenth house of career, from the auspicious ninth. The ninth house relates to gurus and Andy has been lucky - or deserving - in his coach and mentor, Ivan Lendl. The two appear to have a warm relationship. Venus also rules the third house of siblings and Andy's elder brother Jamie Murray is a tennis player and Andy's occasional doubles partner. Venus-Mercury antardasha brings in the second and eleventh houses, and money will be pouring in from his enhanced public image (Mercury in tenth). Already worth an estimated £20m, his new  status announces almost Beckham-esque earning potential.

Andy has entered his Sade Sati period, during which the next five years will be the peak of his career. Saturn ruling his marriage house may bring developments at the time of his Saturn return in 2016. We might also expect to hear more over this period about difficulties of his relationship with his mother, though career-wise he has plenty to look forward to. He enters his Sun dasha in late 2016, with lagna ruler Sun also in his tenth house. Perhaps this will be the moment he becomes 'Sir Andrew Murray'.


  1. Hello, Adam...thanks for this post and other posts...always enjoy and appreciate them and your efforts. I recently became aware of the sade sati Saturn to Moon transit and find it very interesting. Can you please explain a bit more and particularly why you say this relates to a career peak. I have read that sade sati was a period of disappointment, trials, and tribulation. Thanks!

  2. P.S. - When does sade sati start? When Saturn is one SIGN before the Moon's sign (would require sidereal astro) or THIRTY DEGREES before the Moon's position (sidereal or tropical)? Thanks!

  3. Hi, thanks for your message. Yes, Sade Sati is when Saturn transits through one sidereal SIGN either side of the natal Moon, regardless of degree. So Andy Murray with Moon in Scorpio, SS started when Saturn entered sidereal Libra and finishes when it leaves sidereal Sagittarius. Three signs altogether which takes approx 7.5 years.

    It is indeed a testing time, depending on the condition of the particular chart. AM has Moon conjunct Saturn, so his peak Sade Sati happens to coincide with his Saturn return, aged 29. He has just achieved legendary status in the UK, so inevitably the next few years will be the height of his career. Personally and emotionally, however, I suspect there will be challenges.

    Hope that helps, keep tuning in.
