Saturday 18 May 2013

Astroboogie Stars May 19th 2013

I will answer personally the first three people who leave a question about their chart in the comments section - please supply your time, date and place of birth.

Forge ahead and take advantage of your impulsive energy. Mars, planet of action, has a galvanizing effect and you confront obstacles and awkward customers head-on. People are taken aback at your sudden moves, but you're only expressing what has bubbled under for a long time. A relationship you thought long past resurfaces and a twist of fate moves you closer to an on-and-off friend. Events take a momentum of their own. The Sun hits your chart's financial district on Monday and you talk acquisitions and mergers. Start a rainy day fund or treat yourself to a luxury you wouldn't usually stretch to.

Brush off your circus performer talents, you are in demand. The Sun hits your sign on Monday and you have confidence and a sense of destiny. Raise your sights to match - you nail the details while keeping one eye on the big picture. Personal charm is key and keeping cool under any provocation sees you through.

Tune out dissenting voices and follow the call of your heart. You contend with people's narrow views and are sensitive enough to care about upset expectations. Forget it. Put your own needs first and latecomers can catch up afterwards. Saturday's Full Moon lifts your spirits and you give in to a demand for a slice of your time.

Your social scene holds myriad promise and you have crowd-pleasing skills. Like-minded souls gather round and your political dreams come together as if preordained. Still, sharp-elbowed rivals keep you occupied and going it alone at work gets you all the credit. Deal with issues at home, as sober Saturn rewards you for taking the long view.

You are across practical details and how to make your career run perfectly. Play to your strengths and speak out when a brainwave pops up fully-formed. Show off your mediation skills at home and get payback from both sides of the debate. Monday's Virgo Moon is golden and an influential player mysteriously understands.

You help a friend succeed and get a reciprocal bounce. You are in lighthearted mood, yet a thoughtful word at the right moment has a miraculous effect. Studying is a joy and you find the perfect travel partner. Everything turns on Tuesday's Libra Moon and you spring a revolution with all change on the home and romantic fronts.

Your goals seem far away and time is pressing. A serious, duty-first attitude surprises friends but some ambitions are worth the sacrifice.  Your partner demands attention and a passionate reconciliation justifies any argument. Make your pitch at Thursday's Scorpio Moon and the odds are 60/40 in your favour.

A clever character has all the repartee and the chemistry crackles when you  laugh together. A serious side underlies the fun and familiar company is a healing experience. Your dream of a freedom-first lifestyle comes closer when you get to grips with technology. Set a date for Saturday's stand-out Sagittarius Full Moon. 

A pivotal decision comes closer as old and new elements in your world collide. You come first in any straight meritocracy, but a young rival pushes their own agenda. Adjust to new thinking on Thursday, and blending your skills with experience makes a classy package. Diet and good living has solid long-term benefits.  

You say the right thing without thinking and adding a lighter note keeps you in demand. Battles appear on the career front, which you can either stay and fight, or move on. The same issues arise wherever you are, so the main thing is to do your best. Saturday's full Moon finds a soul mate to discuss the world and its ways.

Speak clearly to a family member and you break a stubborn impasse. Home entertaining is starred at the weekend and the world has a magical aura. Your empathy overflows, but you are entitled to ask if your rescue efforts are noticed. Neptune, your ruling star, loves a sacrifice but see the full picture before putting everybody else first.

Communication is key and you speak honestly without rehearsing your pitch. Clever Mercury fuses with diplomatic Venus and creative writing comes as easily as thought. You break suddenly out of a domestic stalemate and the shockwaves take time to settle. Still, being true to yourself brings out your best and partners soon appreciate the difference.


  1. I wonder if it looks like I might have some sort of love life anytime soon? I've not had a significant other for years. I've been a single mom taking care of my kids since 2000.

    November 24, 1960 Lincoln Park, Michigan, 8:23 a.m. Wayne County

    1. Thanks very much for your question, Toni. You entered a very work-oriented phase in early 2001, which also has a bearing on your relationships. Your attention is on earning money and you need someone who can provide security.

      You might very well find a relationship over the next 18 months, which will be unusually intense. Next January in particular (2014), then July-November 2014 focuses very much on relationships and financial security. I'm sure part of you still appreciates your freedom, and it will take some adjustment to get used to a new partner's demands.

      You are withdrawing from old haunts and hangouts, possibly spending more time on your own. Try to see what you are going through in perspective - nothing lasts forever. Longer term, by 2015 you will come out of this withdrawn phase, and by early 2016, your life will begin over again. At this time, astrologically, people move home, get married, have a new plan for the next many years.

      email me: if you would like more details


    2. Thank you for your reply Adam. You are very correct about earning money and security these last twelve years. Also very accurate about my enjoyment of freedom and being half afraid to give that up for company in it's place. Thank you for the food for thought.

  2. Hi I feel like I am at a cross road in so many areas of my life. Can you help me understand whats happening. Am I ever going to find love ?
    Born Ballarat, Victoria, Australia.
    3rd August 1981, 12.08pm

    1. Hi Mel, nice to hear from you. Your situation is similar to the reply I gave to Toni, above. You are in a withdrawn phase which will last until November next year. This is NOT to say you won't find anyone, but you may be reflecting more and thinking about what you want from someone. Keep looking forward and try not to become too introspective.

      Somebody may well be entering your life in the coming year. There is an important movement in your chart that will at least make you feel very sociable and want to express yourself. You might find this person through shared political or humanitarian interests. Any relationship that starts this year will be an important one.

      Btw - Your chart has outstanding prospects for career success and money-making, and you might find a partner that you can work alongside.

      Please email me if you would like more details:


  3. Adam, why the heck am I not writing when it is the only thing I want to do?! OR (if you can do only one question)any chance that you can see of my returning to Europe? Say Yes, please.
    Born April 3rd, 1959 in Belgrade, Serbia, 11:22 a.m.
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Sea Creature - "Yes, please". There, I said it...

      Mercury, the writing planet, is in your chart's career & ambition zone. Possibly your relationships conflict with your desire to write, or else you set yourself impossibly high standards. Maybe both. You are taking your creativity very seriously at present, possibly taking classes or some structured program to get things going. Good idea.

      You are obviously restless now, career-wise and personally. Express it, otherwise your need for freedom will spill over into disputes with bosses and authority.

      Longer-term, your writing ambitions will come together by 2017. You have the vocation for it, you just need to put the hours in.

      Email me: if you would like more details.


  4. I wouldn't have commented due to not being in the first 3, but as one of the above was also born in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, thought it might be worth a chance due to sheer coincidence?! 23-9-75, 5:30am. My question is that I've just driven from one side of the country to the other- after a rather chaotic but also somewhat enjoyable year of multiple moves and travels. Do you see me settling down any time soon? If so, where would be a good place as my prior attempts have proven futile.....or am I destined to simply be a gipsy forever?

    1. Hi Heather, and greetings to Ballarat, Victoria!

      I love it when people speak their charts: Moon & Jupiter in Aries sit together in your chart, a perfect gypsy signature. Part of you will always need to travel and you love exploring new surroundings and philosophies. That part of you will never change.

      Still, by January 2015 at the earliest, March 2016 at the latest, I can see you putting down roots. Relationships might start to be more important and you will get more domesticated. This obviously involves a commitment, but don't pin yourself down. Keep your caravan, you will always need an escape route at a moment's notice.

      Hope this helps, drop me a line: if you would like more details.

