Sunday 14 April 2013

Astroboogie Stars April 14th 2013

Anything but a laid-back Sunday in prospect, with quicksilver Mercury heading into your sign. A line-up of planets in Aries gives you energy to burn and making an instant choice is imperative. Whether its work around the house or winning the inch war, your mission involves direct intervention. Monday turns your attention to luxury and you win someone round just by being there. Venus, planet of romance, sits comfortably and buying an expensive gift has the desired effect.  Consolidate your gains by Saturday and you impress everyone with your spending power.

You have played a waiting game and now the effort pays off. Venus, your ruler, hits your sign on Monday and a silky personal touch blends with your professional quest. People sense your sincerity and consistency in love is key. Behind the scenes negotiations are pivotal and keeping a diary gives you thoughts to reflect back on.


You go from hanging out with the crowd to retreating into your own company. The Moon in your sign on Monday gives you insight, and studying a new subject puts your world into perspective. It's no illusion, you really can do anything. An idealistic career choice is within your grasp and working for a cause sees everybody win.

Start thinking big and you are on the cusp of a change of luck. Character-building experience doesn’t let up and you appreciate it all the more after a struggle. There is an acid-and-alkali feeling in your personal life too and a super-keen partner wants everything their own way. Make an important call at Wednesday’s Cancer Moon.

A flash of inspiration lies behind a quick-fire choice. Assert yourself and committing to a cause early on sees you attract a following. A change of address keeps you on your toes and a charm offensive at work cultivates the right contacts. Forget people questioning your performance and Friday’s Leo Moon is your standout moment.

You need your famously flexible moves to keep up with the pace of change. Mercury, your ruler, is in assertive mode and you speak up where before you let others lead. Still, you are a perfectionist and steer a line between honesty and tact. Design a big career canvas and daring to go against the grain is where the good stuff is.

You sense a last opportunity in love, but don’t snatch at it. Keep your smooth Libran moves and your ruler Venus rewards you for taking it slowly. An injection of optimism makes all the difference and keep believing even when the evidence isn’t in yet. Financial security takes time and hard-won experience works the system your way.

You know what needs to be done, you just need to summon the energy. High standards are good, but you can only start from from where you are now. Venus, planet of love, gives you a sure touch and making the effort to be good company succeeds.  Stand out from the crowd on Saturday and people really do notice your going the extra mile.

A concerted push gets a creative project off the ground and you keep believing. You are thinking clearly, and paperwork gets full attention to detail. Make a long-term decision and stick to it. Cast your mind back to when you were in harness and appreciate a touch of freedom. Your week gets better once you get past lazy Monday.

A period of transition keeps you alert but there is everything to play for.  Tuesday sees you on conciliatory form and you combine big ambition with a sure social touch. You build your ambitions from the ground upwards and Saturday’s earthy planetary complexion is perfect. a crucial confrontation can be saved until next week.

People appreciate your rebellious side early this week, and you embody positive change. A long-awaited revolution arrives of its own accord. It's a great time for home entertaining and you enjoy the ambience you have made. Keep tabs on your finances. You wish someone close would be more adventurous, but be glad of their loyalty.

Things aren’t true just because you want them to be – or are they? Nebulous Neptune breaks the boundaries down and there’s a Wizard of Oz sensation in your romantic world. Keep faith in your most cherished dreams, but run them past a trusted friend first. A generous touch is appreciated and your impulse buy on Wednesday hits the spot.

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